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A techno-economic evaluation and optimization framework for postal consolidations

A techno-economic evaluation and optimization framework for postal consolidations
Table of Contents
Table of Contents
List of Tables
List of Figures
List of Abbreviations
List of Equations
List of Charts
1 Introduction
1.1 Objective of Postal Service Consolidation Thesis Research
1.2 Scope
2 Literature Review
2.1 The Concept of Consolidation
2.2 About USPS
2.3 A Brief Review of USPS Reforms and Transformations
3 CFA Methodology
3.1 Overview of USPS Feasibility Assessments
3.2 Concerns
3.3 Consolidation Feasibility Assessment Methodology
3.3.1 Introduction
3.3.2 Initial Considerations
3.3.3 Six Sigma Approach
3.3.4 Overview of CFA Approach
3.3.5 Communications Plan Overview
3.4 Cost/Benefit Analysis Methodology
3.5 Analytical Framework
3.5.1 Workhour Savings/Costs
3.5.2 Transportation HCR Savings
3.5.3 Maintenance Savings
3.5.4 One Time Costs
3.5.5 Miscellaneous Costs
3.5.6 Service Standards 24 Hour Clock FAST Appointment Summary Report EAARC Report
3.5.7 Initiatives
3.5.8 Supporting Points
4 Case Study
4.1 Organizational Overview
4.2 Overview of Case Study
4.2.1 Pre-Assessment Meeting
4.2.2 Data Collection
4.2.3 Data Analysis
4.2.4 Report Generation
4.2.5 Final Meeting
5 Discussion on Results, Recommendations
5.1 Results
5.1.1 Savings/Costs Incurred
5.1.2 Service Standards Report
5.1.3 Results Summary
5.2 Customer Opinion
5.3 Initiatives at Toledo P&DC
5.4 Inputs from Lima Consolidation
5.5 Recommendations
6 Scope for Future research, Conclusions
6.1 Conclusions
6.2 Remarks on CFA
6.3 Future of Postal Consolidation Research
6.4 Other Areas for Study

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