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A comparison of strength, ROM, laxity, and dynamic and static postural control between those at-risk and healthy

A comparison of strength, ROM, laxity, and dynamic and static postural control between those at-risk and healthy
Table of Contents
Table of Contents
List of Tables
List of Figures xi
List of Abbreviations
I. Introduction
A. Statement of the Problem
B. Statement of the Purpose
C. Research Hypotheses
D. Significance of the Study
E. Operational Definitions
II. Literature Review
A. Anatomy
B. Lateral Ankle Sprain
a. Epidemiology
b. Pathomechanics of a lateral ankle sprain
c. Risk Factors
C. Chronic Ankle Instability: Contributing Factors and Deficits
E. Conclusion
III. Procedure
A. Experimental Design
B. Participants
C. Instrumentation
D. Testing Procedure
E. Data Collection and Processing
a. Static Postural Control
b. Dynamic Postural Control: Star Excursion Balance Test
c. Ankle and Knee Strength
d. Ankle Laxity
e. Ankle DF-ROM
F. Statistical Analysis
IV. Results
A. Sensorimotor
a. Dynamic Postural Control
b. Torque Production
c. Static Postural Control
i. Center of Pressure Velocity (COPV)
ii. Time to Boundary (TTB)
B. Mechanical Joint Integrity
a. Weight Bearing Lunge Test
b. Ankle Laxity
C. Predictors of SEBT Performance
a. Anterior Reaching Direction for All Participants
b. Anterior Reaching Direction for At-Risk Participants
V. Discussion
A. Limitations
B. Clinical Implication
C. Conclusion
A. Informed Consent Form/UT IRB
D. Health History Questionnaire
E. Data Recording Forms

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