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A study of student engagement with media in online training

A study of student engagement with media in online training
Table of Contents
Table of Contents
List of Tables
List of Figures
I. Introduction
A. Statement of the Problem
B. Need for the Study
C. Purpose and Importance of the Study
D. Research Questions
II. Literature Review
A. Training in Organizations
a. Purpose of training
b. Theories for the development of training
Adult learning theory
Self-directed learning theory
Constructivist learning theory
c. Models for the development of training
Morrison, Ross, and Kemp
e. Distance education training
Definition of distance education
History of distance education
Characteristics of distance education
Advantages of distance education
Disadvantages of distance education
f. Evaluation of training
Kirkpatrick’s four levels
Course experience questionnaire
B. Faith-Based Organizations
a. Characteristics of faith-based organizations
b. Training in faith-based organizations
c. Campus Crusade for Christ
C. Engagement During Training
a. Engagement theory
b. Media that promotes engagement
Tools for interaction
Tools for presentation
c. Measurement of engagement
D. Summary
III. Methodology
A. Scope of the Study
B. Data Collection and Instrumentation
C. Data Analysis
a. Overview of Rasch measurement
Rasch introduction
Concepts underpinning the Rasch model
D. Limitations of the Study
IV. Results
A. Rasch Analysis
a. Rating scale analysis
b. Dimensionality analysis
Baseline statistics
Principle contrast analysis
c. Item analysis
d. Person Analysis
e. Person-Item map
B. Analysis of Variance
C. Conclusion
V. Discussion
A. Research Question 1
a. Findings
Rating scale analysis
Summary statistics
B. Research Question 2
C. Conclusion 80
a. Research Question 1
b. Research Question 2
Unclear expectations
Lack of media
Lack of collaboration
D. Future Research
a. Items in training
b. Survey adjustment
c. Qualitative Data
Appendix A: Student Engagement Survey 

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