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Acoustics and Fluid Dynamics Studies of High Speed Jet Noise Reduction Devices

Acoustics and Fluid Dynamics Studies of High Speed Jet Noise Reduction Devices
Table of Contents
List of Figures
List of Tables
Chapter 1 Introduction
1.1 Jet Noise Background
1.2 Motivation for Source Noise Reduction
1.2.1 Psychoacoustics and Aircraft Noise Effects Psychoacoustics of Interest in Aircraft Noise Health Effects (Non-Auditory) of Aircraft Noise
1.2.2 U.S. Commercial Aircraft Noise Regulations
1.3 Objectives
1.4 Thesis Outline
Chapter 2 Background
2.1 Qualitative Jet Description
2.1.1 Mean Subsonic Coaxial Velocity Field & Similarity
2.1.2 Supersonic Jet Structure
2.2 Aeroacoustic Theory
2.3 Jet Instabilities
2.3.1 Effects of Initial Condition on Mixing Layer and Acoustics
2.3.2 Influence of Jet Instability Modes on Flow and Acoustics
2.4 Mixing Nozzle Research
2.4.1 Tabbed and Chevron Mixing Nozzles
2.4.2 Near-Field Fluid Structures of Vortex Generators
Chapter 3 Experimental Facilities & Methods
3.1 GDPL Anechoic Aeroacoustic Test Facility
3.2 ATF High Bypass Model Rig & Hardware
3.2.1 Conventional Core and Fan Nozzles
3.2.2 Modified Conventional Core Nozzles
3.2.3 Vortex Generators on Core and Fan Nozzles
3.3 Acoustic and Fluid Measurement Systems
3.3.1 Acoustic Far-Field Microphone Array
3.3.2 Boundary Layer Total Pressure Pitot Measurements
3.3.3 Dual-Component Laser Doppler Velocimetry Flow Tracker Particle Seeding
Chapter 4 Boundary Layer Flow and Noise Results
4.1 Core Baseline and Chevron Nozzles Mean Initial Velocity Profiles – Clean and Tripped
4.2 Acoustic Far-Field Sensitivity to Boundary Layer Characteristics
Chapter 5 Initial Mixing Region Turbulence via LDV
5.1 Mean Results
5.2 Turbulence Statistics in Axial and Radial Velocities
5.3 Turbulence Velocity Spectra
Chapter 6 Acoustic Far-Field Noise Reduction Results
6.1 Baseline and Modified Chevron Root Geometry
6.2 Internal Chevron Core Nozzle Results
Chapter 7 Incompressible CFD Simulations
7.1 Computational Domain and Case Setup
7.2 Flowfield Scalar Results
7.3 Stream-wise Vortical Structures Development
Chapter 8 Conclusions

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