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Amplified total internal reflection at the surface of gain medium

Amplified total internal reflection at the surface of gain medium
List of Figures
List of Abbreviations
List of Symbols
1 Background and Motivation
1.1 Total Internal Reflection
1.2 Lasers and Gain Media
1.3 Amplified and Attenuated TIR
1.3.1 Amplified TIR with Surface Plasmons
1.3.2 Some Interesting Experiments
1.3.3 Amplified TIR with Gain Media
1.4 Thesis Outline
2 Case of Incident Plane Waves
2.1 Geometry and Boundary Conditions
2.2 Amplitude Reection Coeffient, r
2.3 Intensity Reection Coeffient, R
2.4 Different Polarizations
2.5 Different Quadrants for ktz
2.5.1 Lossy Medium Below Critical Angle
2.5.2 Lossy Medium Beyond Critical Angle
2.5.3 Gainy Medium Below Critical Angle
2.5.4 Gainy Medium Beyond Critical Angle
2.5.5 Conclusions and Experimental Evidence
3 Case of a Finite Beam
3.1 Derivation and Properties of a Gaussian Beam
3.1.1 Coordinate Systems for Reflection
3.2 Fourier Analysis of Finite Beams
3.2.1 Analytical Method with Approximations
3.2.2 Numerical Method - the Discrete Fourier Transform
3.2.3 Comparison of the Two Methods
3.3 Finite Beam Reflection Profiles Under Many Conditions
4 Conclusions
A. Source Code

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