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An analysis of the Phonics Dance in a semi-rural Midwestern elementary school

An analysis of the Phonics Dance in a semi-rural Midwestern elementary school
Table of Contents
Table of Contents
List of Tables
List of Figures
List of Abbreviations
I. Introduction
A. Many Children Struggle to Decode Words
B. The Building Blocks of Learning to Read
C. The Matthew Effect
D. Systematic Phonics Important yet Absent From Many Classrooms
E. Barriers
a. Lack of Materials
b. Lack of Teacher Knowledge
c. Whole Language vs. Phonics Debate
F. A Need for Engaging Phonics Materials and Methods
II. Literature Review
A. Introduction
B. Sociocultural Theoretical Perspective on Learning Instructions and Development
C. Social Interactions in a Child’s Zone of Proximal Development
D. Social View of Learning
E. Reading Instruction is a Highly Socially Mediated Activity
F. Development of Word Recognition
a. Pre-alphabetic
b. Partial Alphabetic
c. Full Alphabetic
d. Consolidated Alphabetic
G. Phonemic Awareness
H. Rhyme and Phonemic Awareness
I. Assessing Phonemic Awareness
a. Phonemic Segmentation Tasks
1. Phonemic Manipulation Tasks
2. Syllable Splitting Tasks
3. Blending Tasks
4. Oddity Tasks
J. Musical Experiences and Phonemic Awareness
K. The History of Phonics Research
a. The First Grade Studies
b. The Great Debate
L. Contemporary Phonics Instruction
M. Approaches to Phonics Instruction
a. Synthetic Phonics
b. Analytic Phonics
c. Phonics Through Analogies
d. Phonics Through Spelling
e. Whole Language
N. Reading as a Complex Activity
O. Contemporary Frameworks for a Balanced Literacy Program
P. Balanced Literacy
a. The Four Blocks Approach to Balanced Literacy
b. The Daily 5 Approach to Balanced Literacy
Q. Background About the Phonics Dance
R. Components of the Phonics Dance
a. Magic Sound Sprinkles
1. Description of Magic Sound Sprinkles
2. Underlying Skills of Magic Sound Sprinkles
3. Learning Theories Associated With Magic Sound Sprinkles
b. Alphabet Sound Review
1. Description of the Alphabet Sound Review
2. Underlying Skills of the Alphabet Sound Review
3. Learning Theories Associated With Alphabet Sound Review
c. Word Association
1. Description of Word Association
2. Underlying Skills of Word Association
3. Learning Theories Associated With Word Association
d. Hunk and Chunks
1. Description of Hunk and Chunks
e. Day two of a new Hunk and Chunk
1. Description of day two of a new Hunk and Chunk
2. Description of day Five of Hunk and Chunks
3. Underlying Skills of Hunk and Chunks
4. Learning Theories Associated With Hunk and Chunks
f. Monster Words
1. Description of Monster Words
2. Underlying Skills of Monster Words
3. Learning Theories Associated With Monster Words
g. Mean Old Uncle Mario
1. Description of Mean Old Uncle Mario
2. Underlying Skills of Mean Old Uncle Mario
3. Learning Theories Associated With Mean Old Uncle Mario
S. Overview of the Phonics Dance Components
T. Scott Foresman First Grade Basal Phonics Program
U. Description of the Basal Phonics Program components
a. Connect
1. Underlying Skills of Connect
2. Learning Theories Associated With Connect
b. Sound Spelling Cards
1. Underlying Skills of Sound Spelling Cards
2. Learning Theories Associated With Sound Spelling Cards
c. Model
1. Underlying Skills of Model
2. Learning Theories Associated With Model
d. Group Practice
1. Underlying Skills of Group Practice
2. Learning Theories Associated With Group Practice
e. Review
1. Underlying Skills of Review
2. Learning Theories Associated With Review
V. Comparison of Underlying Skills Involved in the Phonics Dance and Basal Phonics
W. Literacy Related Tasks in the Phonics Dance Classroom
X. Literacy Related Tasks in the Basal Phonics Classroom
Y. Conclusion 93
III. Methods 95
A. Introduction 95
B. Pilot Study
C. The Current Study
D. The Study Participants
a. The Students
b. The Teachers
E. Intervention
F. Scott Foresman Basal Phonics Program
G. Variables and Data Sources
a. Outcome Variables
b. AIMSweb Test of Early Literacy Assessments
c. Categorical Treatment Variable
d. Field Notes
H. Study Procedures
I. Internal Validity
J. Current Study Analyses
K. Conclusion
IV. Results
A. Introduction
B. Repeated Measures ANOVA
C. Letter Naming
D. Letter Sound
E. Phoneme Segmentation
F. Non-sense Words
G. Conclusion
V. Discussion
A. Summary of the Study
B. Discussion of the Findings
a. Letter Naming
b. Letter Sounds
c. Phoneme Segmentation
d. Non-sense Words
C. Implications
a. Integrating Word Recognition Skills as Part of Phonics Lesson
b. Word Recognition Skills and Socio-economic Status
c. The Pace of the Phonics Dance
D. Systematic Engaging Phonics is Absent From Many Classrooms
E. Magic Sound Sprinkles
F. Alphabet Sound Review
G. Word Association
H. Hunk and Chunks
I. Mean Old Uncle Mario
J. Monster Words
K. Limitations and Future Research Considerations
L. Future Studies
M. Closing Comments
a. Implementing the Phonics Dance
b. Students Benefit From the Phonics Dance in Other Literacy Related Activities
A. An Analysis of the Phonics Dance Program Manual 

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