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An examination of correlates of video game and Internet addiction

An examination of correlates of video game and Internet addiction
List of Tables
I. Introduction
II. Review of the Literature
A. Defining Addictive Behavior
B. Addiction to the Internet
a. Factors Influencing Internet Addiction
C. Video Game Addiction
D. Research on Video Game Addiction
a. Video Game Engagement
b. The Growing Appeal of Online Video Game Play
c. Video Game Genre and Studies on Video Game Addiction
d. The Importance of Video Game Violence
E. Gender and Video Game Research
F. Parental Awareness of Child’s Technology-Addicted Behaviors
G. Hypotheses
H. Exploratory Research Questions
III. Method
IV. Study 1
A. Participants
B. Measures
a. Background Questionnaire
b. Internet Addiction Test
c. Game Engagement Questionnaire
d. Pathological Computer/Video Game Use Questionnaire
C. Procedure
V. Study 2
A. Participants
B. Measures
a. Background Questionnaire – Parent
b. Internet Addiction Test – Parent
c. Internet Addiction Test – Child
d. Game Engagement Questionnaire – Parent
e. Pathological Computer/Video Game Use Questionnaire- Parent
C. Procedure
VI. Results
VII. Study 1
A. Preliminary Analyses
B. Primary Analyses
a. Correlations among Major Study Variables
b. Regression Analyses
c. Gender Differences in Habits and Addiction
C. The Development of “Affected” Groups
a. Characteristics of the IAT-Affected Group
b. Characteristics of the Video Game-Affected Group
D. The Importance of a Preference for Violent Games
VIII. Study 2
A. Preliminary Analyses
B. Primary Analyses
a. Correlations among Major Study Variables
b. Parent and Child Agreement on Child’s Video Game Habits
c. Parent-Child Agreement on Addictive Behaviors and Engagement
IX. Discussion
A. Correlates of Addiction and Engagement
B. Video Game Genre, Addiction, and Engagement
C. Factors Predicting Internet Addiction
D. Gender, Game Habits and Preferences, and Game Behavior
E. Parent and Child Assessment of Behaviors
a. Correlations
b. Parent and Child Agreement
F. Limitations (Study 1)
G. Limitations (Study 2)
H. Conclusions
A. Background Questionnaire
B. Internet Addiction Test
C. Game Experience Questionnaire
D. Pathological Computer/Video Game Use Questionnaire
E. Article given to participants in the adult population
F. Article given to parent/child dyads
G. Background Questionnaire – Parent
H. Internet Addiction Test – Parent
I. Internet Addiction Test – Child
J. Game Experience Questionnaire – Parent
K. Pathological Computer/Video Game Use Questionnaire – Parent 

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