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An extensive reading approach to teaching English second language reading comprehension with the American Language Institute at the University of Toledo

An extensive reading approach to teaching English second language reading comprehension with the American Language Institute at the University of Toledo
Table of Contents
Table of Contents
List of Tables
List of Abbreviations
I. Literature Review
A. Introduction
B. Correlation between reading and academic performance in second language study
C. A case study of L2 language gains through a self-administered extensive reading regimen
D. Comparison studies of the benefits of extensive reading for reading comprehension
E. The affective benefit of extensive reading pedagogies
F. Summary
II. Context and Design of the Present Study
A. Introduction
B. Theoretical Assumptions for Research
C. Description of Context in which Data was Gathered
D. Research Questions
E. Background and Role of the Researcher
F. Background and Role of the Participants
G. Methodology
a. Revised Methodology
H. Data Gathering Procedures
III. The Results of the Study
A. Introduction
B. Findings
a. Research Question 1: Will pretest and posttest measures of the English L2 reading comprehension of the participants of this study indicated a differential gain for the participants in the treatment group who read more than the comparison group, whom read less?
b. Research Question 2: Will the participants respond favorably to to the extensive reading treatment?
i. Belief in the benefit of extensive reading
ii. Engagement with the extensive reading treatment
c. Research Question 3: What test-taking strategies do the participants use when taking reading comprehension tests like the TOEFL?
d. Research Question 4: What are the participants’ opinions of the reading comprehension section of the TOEFL?
i. Three of the participants generally questioned the validity and reliability of the TOEFL
ii. Some of the participants would have preferred writing a response paper as a possible alternative to section 3 of the TOEFL, for testing English L2 reading comprehension
e. Research Question 5: What are the participants’ opinions of the timed reading exercises that take place at the beginning of the ALI’s reading labs?
f. The case of Saudi Arabian male 2
C. Discussion
a. Implications of Research
b. Limitations of Research
c. Suggestions for Future Research
d. Conclusion
A. Interview Questions 

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