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An investigation of the effects of interactive whiteboards as perceived by Ohio high school foreign language teachers

An investigation of the effects of interactive whiteboards as perceived by Ohio high school foreign language teachers
List of Tables
List of Figures
1 Introduction
1.1 Introduction
1.2 Study Background
1.3 Problem Statement
1.4 Purpose of the Study
1.5 Research Questions
1.6 Delimitations and Limitations
1.7 Definitions
1.8 Summary
2 Literature Review
2.1 Introduction, P21
2.2 The National Standards in Foreign Language Education: The Five C’s of Foreign Language Instruction
2.3 Ohio K-12 World Language Academic Content Standards
2.4 Ohio K-12 World Language Academic Content Standards Revision
2.5 Current Application of the Five C’s in Foreign Language Instruction.
2.6 Technology can Enhance the 5C’s
2.7 The Call to Incorporate Technology in Instruction
2.8 Teachers: an Obstacle to Technology in the Classroom
2.9 IWBs as Technology Tools in the Classroom
2.10 Lack of Teacher Motivation towards the Use of IWBs
2.11 Relevance of IWB Professional Development
2.12 Enhancement of Classroom Instruction Through IWBs
2.13 Consistent IWB Access
2.13.1 Teacher Self-efficacy in Using an IWB
2.13.2 IWBs Aid Teacher Efficiency
2.13.3 IWB Multimedia Capabilities0
2.13.4 The IWB as the Classroom Focal Point
2.13.5 IWBs Promote Student Engagement, Attention and Motivation
2.13.6 Enhancement of Classroom Interaction through IWB Use
2.13.7 IWBs: Reconnecting Students in the Public Learning Sphere
2.13.8 Flexibility in IWB-Based Instruction
2.13.9 IWBs Support Differentiated Instruction
2.13.10 Student Perspectives of IWBs
2.14 Summary
3 Methodology
3.1 Purpose of the Study
3.2 Research Questions and Hypotheses
3.3 Variables
3.4 Population and Sample
3.4.1 Sampling
3.5 Research Design and Procedures
3.5.1 Instrumentation
3.5.2 Data Collection and Procedures
3.5.3 Data Management
3.6 Data Analysis
4 Results
4.1 Participant Characteristics
4.2 Research Question One
4.2.1 The Instructional Effects of IWBs on Teaching
4.2.2 Relationship Between Self-Reported IWB Instructional Use and the Instructional Effects of IWBs on Teaching
4.2.3 Summary of Results for Research Question One
4.3 Research Question Two
4.3.1 The Instructional Effects of IWBs on Student Learning
4.3.2 Relationship Between Self-Reported IWB Instructional Use and The Instructional Effects of IWBs on Student Learning
4.3.3 Summary of Results and Relationship for Research Question Two
4.4 Research Question Three
4.4.1 The Motivational Effects of IWBs on Teachers
4.4.2 Relationship between Self-reported IWB Instructional Use and The Motivational Effects of IWBs on Teachers
4.4.3 Summary of Results and Relationship for Research Question Three
4.5 Research Question Four
4.5.1 The Effects of IWBs on Student Engagement
4.5.2 Relationship between Self-reported IWB Instructional Use and The Effects of IWBs on Student Engagement
4.5.3 Summary of Results and Relationship for Research Question Four
5 Conclusions and Implications
5.1 Research Question One
5.2 Research Question Two
5.3 Research Question Three
5.4 Research Question Four
5.5 Relationships between the Five Groups
5.6 Implications for Practice
5.7 Recommendations for Further Research
Appendix A: Electronic Letter of Permission to Adapt Survey
Appendix B: Electronic Letter of Permission from P21
Appendix C: Letter of Permission from The Ohio Foreign Language
Appendix D: Electronic Letter of Consent
Appendix E: Instrument 

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