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Biomechanical effects of initial occupant seated posture during rear end impact injury

Biomechanical effects of initial occupant seated posture during rear end impact injury
Table of Contents
Table of Contents
List of Tables
List of Figures
List of Abbreviations
List of Symbols
1. Introduction
1.1 Rationale for Research
1.2 Outline
2. Biomechanical Anatomy of Cervical Spine
2.1 Overview
2.2 Cervical Spine
2.2.1 The Intervertebral Disc
2.2.2 Annulus Fibrosus
2.2.3 Nucleus Pulposus
2.2.4 Luschka's Joints
2.3 Thoracic Spine
2.4 Lumbar Spine
2.5 Sacral and coccygeal Spine
2.6 Spinal Ligaments
2.7 Intact Spine Biomechanics
3. Whiplash Injury Review
3.1 Introduction
3.2 Clinical Observations
3.2.1 Facet Joints
3.2.2 Intervertebral Discs
3.2.3 Cervical Ligaments
3.3 Biomechanical Approach
3.3.1 In vivo Studies
3.3.2 Anthropomorphic Test Dummies
3.3.3 Ex vivo Studies
3.3.4 Influence of seating postures
3.3.5 Computational Modeling
3.4 Summary
4. Materials and Methods
4.1 Introduction
4.2 Finite Element Model Development
4.2.1 Geometry Creation:
4.2.2 Meshing Procedure
4.2.3 Assembly
4.3 Mesh Convergence Study
4.4 Model Validation
4.4.1 Static Validation
4.4.2 Dynamic Validation
4.5 Influence of Different Seating Postures
4.5.1 Body forward seating posture
4.5.2 Head turned seating posture
4.5.3 Body forward and head turned posture (BF-HT)
4.5.4 Head flexed or inclined seating posture
4.6 Effect of Increased Acceleration Magnitudes
4.7 Data Analyses
5. Results
5.1 Introduction
5.2 Validation Results
5.3 Test Results
5.3.1 Influence of Body Forward Seating Posture
5.3.2 Influence of Head Turned Seating Posture
5.3.3 Comparison of Out of Occupant Seating postures
5.3.4 Influence of Increased Impact Acceleration
6. Discussion
6.1 Overview
6.2 Model Development
6.3 Model Validation
6.4 Whiplash soft tissue injury
6.5 Limitations and Recommendations
6.6 Conclusions
A. FE Model Predictions 

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