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Bumpkins and Bostonnais - Detroit 1805-1812

Bumpkins and Bostonnais - Detroit 1805-1812
Chapter 1 Introduction
Chapter 2 Beginnings
Chapter 3 Fire, Town, and Commons
Chapter 4 Laws and Courts
Chapter 5 Epilogue

The following study focuses on the city of Detroit from 1805 until 1812. This period was bookended by dual disasters: first, a devastating fire that destroyed nearly the entire town, and the second, the War of 1812 which saw Detroit at the center of a several campaigns and the scene of a humiliating defeat for the United States. The period between these calamities has often been overlooked or glossed over by historians, who have seen these seven years as little more than a lead up to war, rather than a transitional period in the city’s history and a unique chapter in the territorial expansion of the United States in the early nineteenth century.

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