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Cost utility analysis of balloon kyphoplasty and vertebroplasty in the treatment of vertebral compression fractures in the United States

Cost utility analysis of balloon kyphoplasty and vertebroplasty in the treatment of vertebral compression fractures in the United States
Table of Contents
Table of Contents
List of Tables
List of Figures
1. Introduction
1.1 Background
1.1.1 Vertebral Compression Fractures
1.1.2 Treatment of pain in patients with spinal fracture
1.1.3 Pharmacoeconomics
1.1.4 Cost utility analysis (CUA)
1.1.5 Selecting the viewpoint of Pharmacoeconomic Analysis
1.2 Need for study
1.3 Objective
1.4 Specific aims
1.5 Research question
2. Literature Review
2.1 Epidemiology of Disorders leading to Vertebral Compression Fractures
2.1.1 Osteoporosis
2.1.2 Metastatic cancer related VCFs
2.1.3 Trauma related VCFs
2.2 Forms of care for the management of VCFs
2.3 Vertebroplasty
2.3.1 Selection for vertebroplasty
2.3.2 Post-operative care for vertebroplasty
2.3.3 Post- vertebroplasty morbidity
2.3.4 Post- vertebroplasty causes of mortality
2.3.5 Post- vertebroplasty health-related quality of life (HRQoL)
2.3.6 Economic evaluation of vertebroplasty
2.4 Balloon Kyphoplasty
2.4.1 Selection for kyphoplasty
2.4.2 Post-operative care of kyphoplasty
2.4.3 Post- kyphoplasty morbidity
2.4.4 Post- kyphoplasty causes of mortality
2.4.5 Post-kyphoplasty HRQoL
2.4.6 Economic evaluation of kyphoplasty
3. Methods
3.1 General Description of the Study Design
3.2 Study Population
3.3 Markov Model
3.4 Development of Markov Structure Model
3.5 Building the model in Treeage Pro Suite Software
3.6 Health Utility: QALY
3.6.1 The FREE trial
3.6.2 The Vertos II trial
3.7 Costs
3.8 Sensitivity analysis
4. Results
4.1 Effectiveness
4.2 Cost
4.3 Base case analysis
4.4 Sensitivity analysis
4.5 Summary of findings
5. Discussion
5.1 Study Limitations
6. Conclusion
A Economic evaluation checklist 

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