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Dosimetric verification of respiratory-gated radiation therapy using a dynamic phantom for commissioning the Varian real-time position management system

Dosimetric verification of respiratory-gated radiation therapy using a dynamic phantom for commissioning the Varian real-time position management system
List of Tables
List of Figures
List of Abbreviations
1 Introduction
1.1 Problem Statement
2 Background and Theory
2.1 History of External Beam Radiotherapy
2.2 External Beam Therapy Treatment Planning
2.2.1 Volume Definition
2.3 Modalities in External Beam Radiation Therapy (EBRT)
2.3.1 2D and 3D Conformal Radiation Therapy
2.3.2 Intensity Modulated Radiation Therapy
2.3.3 Image Guided Radiation Therapy
2.3.4 Stereotactic Body Radiosurgery (SBRT)
2.4 Problems of Respiratory Motion during Radiotherapy
2.5 Respiratory Motion Management Techniques
2.5.1 Breath-Hold Techniques
2.5.2 Forced shallow breath techniques
2.5.3 Respiratory Gating
2.6 Respiratory Gated Radiotherapy (RGRT)
2.6.1 Patient Immobilization
2.6.2 Data Acquisition for RGRT
2.6.3 Treatment Planning for RGRT
2.6.4 Real-Time Position Management (RPM) System
3 Material and Methods
3.1 Phantom Construction
3.1.1 IMRT Thorax Phantom Platform
3.1.2 Breathing Block Platform
3.2 Micro-Controller System
3.3 Electronic Control Board
3.3 4-Dimensional CT (4DCT) of the Respiratory Phantom
3.4 Treatment Planning for RGRT Phantom
3.5 Ionization Chamber Measurements
3.5.1 Calibration of the Machine Output
3.5.2 Output Constancy Verification
3.5.3 Calibration of the Dynamic Ion Chamber
3.5.4 Dynamic Dose Verification
3.6 MapCHECK2 QA
4 Results
4.1 Pinnacle Dose Calculations
4.2 Solid Water Phantom Measurements
4.3 Dose Conversion Factor
4.4 Output Constancy
4.5 Dose-Point Measurements
4.6 Dose Distribution Measurements
5 Conclusions
5.1 Conclusions
5.2 Future Considerations
Appendix A
Arduino Uno Code
A.1 Arduino Uno Code used for the RGRT Phantom
Appendix B
B.1 The 11BPM Plan was gated and delivered under static conditions. Each of the angles listed in the MapCHECK2 files are the planned angles however for delivered the gantry remained at 0 degrees for all beams.
B.2 The 11BPM Plan was gated and delivered under dynamic conditions. Each of the angles listed in the MapCHECK2 files are the planned angles however for delivered the gantry remained at 0 degrees for all beams. 

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