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Engineering of novel task-specific ionic liquids for the selective extraction and preconcentration of DNA and emerging contaminants

Engineering of novel task-specific ionic liquids for the selective extraction and preconcentration of DNA and emerging contaminants
Table of Contents
Table of Contents
List of Tables
List of Figures
1. Overview: Ionic Liquids in Sample Preparation Techniques
1.1. Ionic liquids
1.2. Ionic liquids in sample preparation
1.3. Application of ionic liquids in liquid-liquid extraction
1.3.1. Liquid-liquid extraction of metal ions
1.3.2. Liquid-liquid extraction of organic compounds
1.3.3. Liquid-liquid extraction of biomolecules
1.4. Applications of ionic liquids in dispersive liquid-liquid microextraction
1.5. Summary
2. Ionic Liquids as Solvents for in situ Dispersive Liquid-liquid Microextraction of DNA
2.1. Introduction
2.2. Experimental
2.2.1. Reagents
2.2.2. Synthesis of ionic liquids
2.2.3. Instrumentation
2.2.4. Extraction procedure In situ DLLME Extraction of DNA from sample matrix
2.3. Results and discussion
2.3.1. Evaluation of IL extraction performance
2.3.2. Residual IL in aqueous phase
2.3.3. Effect of IL concentration on DNA extraction efficiency
2.3.4. Effect of extraction time
2.3.5. Extraction of DNA from a complex sample matrix
2.3.6. Effect of extraction time
2.4. Conclusions
3. Utilization of Magnetic Ionic Liquids as Solvents in the Extraction of DNA
3.1. Introduction
3.2. Experimental
3.2.1. Reagents
3.2.2. Synthesis of magnetic ionic liquids
3.2.3. Instrumentation
3.2.4. Extraction procedure MIL-based static single drop extraction MIL-based dispersive droplets extraction
3.2.5. Extraction of DNA from sample matrix
3.2.6. Back isolation and diphenylamine assay of DNA from MIL
3.2.7. Extraction of DNA using traditional ILs
3.3. Results and discussion
3.3.1. Evaluation of MIL extraction performance
3.3.2. Comparison of extraction methods
3.3.3. Effect of MIL collection time
3.3.4. Effect of MIL volume
3.3.5. Effect of sample pH
3.3.6. Extraction of DNA from a complex sample matrix
3.3.7. Back isolation and diphenylamine assay of DNA from MIL
3.3.8. Comparison with other traditional ILs
3.3.9. Application to different DNA samples
3.4. Conclusions
4. Selective Extraction of Emerging Contaminants from Water Samples byDispersive Liquid-liquid Microextraction using Functionalized Ionic Liquids
4.1. Introduction
4.2. Experimental
4.2.1. Reagents
4.2.2. Instrumentation
4.2.3. Extraction procedure Traditional IL DLLME procedure In situ IL DLLME procedures
4.2.4. Water samples
4.3. Results and discussion
4.3.1. Comparison of extraction method and solvent
4.3.2. Effect of amino functionality on extraction selectivities
4.3.3. Optimization of extraction conditions Sample pH effect Effect of IL volume and dispersive solvent Effect of added salt
4.3.4. Analytical performance
4.3.5. Applications to real water samples
4.4. Conclusions
5. Overview: Suzuki Coupling Reaction and Analysis of Boronic Acids using HPLC
5.1. Suzuki-Miyaura cross-coupling reaction
5.2. Analysis of boronic acid and boronate ester using HPLC method
6. Using Glucaminium-based Ionic Liquids for Improving the Separation of 2-aminopyrimidine-5-ylboronic Acid and its Pinacol Ester by High Performance Liquid Chromatography
6.1. Introduction
6.2. Experimental
6.2.1. Materials
6.2.2. Instrumentation
6.2.3. Synthesis of glucaminium-based ILs
6.2.4. Acquisition of 11B NMR spectra
6.2.5. Sample preparation and chromatographic conditions
6.3. Results and discussion
6.3.1. 11B NMR study of the (2-aminopyrimidine-5-ylboronic acid)-glucaminium IL complex
6.3.2. Separation of functionalized glucaminium IL-(2-APYBA) complex using HPLC
6.3.3. Effect of temperature on complexation
6.3.4. Analytical performance
6.3.5. Analysis of 2-aminopyrimidine-5-pinacolboronate ester for the determination of 2-aminopyrimidin-5-yl boronic acid impurity
6.4. Conclusions
7. General Conclusions
A. Supplemental Figures Accompanying Chapter 2
B. Supplemental Figure and Table Accompanying Chapter 3
C. Supplemental Figures and Table Accompanying Chapter 6 

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