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Explaining the role of emotional valence in children's memory suggestibility

Explaining the role of emotional valence in children's memory suggestibility
Table of Contents
Table of Contents
List of Tables
List of Figures
List of Abbreviations
I. Introduction
A. Emotional Valence and Children’s True Memory, False Memory, and Suggestibility
a. Emotional Valence and False Memory Development
b. Children’s Memory and Suggestibility for Positive versus Negative Events
B. The Present Study
II. Method
A. Participants
B. Procedure and Materials
a. Session 1: Cartoon and Suggestive Interview
b. Session 2: Follow-up Interview
C. Data Coding
a. Suggestive Interview Recall
b. Follow-up Interview Recall
c. Recognition Item Scoring
d. Source Monitoring Scoring
III. Results
A. Preliminary Analyses
B. Suggestive Interview
a. Open-Ended Recall
b. Resistance to Misleading Forced Choice Questions
C. Follow-up Interview
a. Open-Ended Recall
b. Recognition Items
c. Source Monitoring
IV. Discussion
A. Developmental Trends in Valence Effects on Children’s Suggestibility
B. Source Monitoring
C. Social Mechanisms
D. Limitations and Directions for Future Research
E. Conclusions and Forensic Implications
A. Review of Emotional Valence and Memory in Adults
B. Experimenter Script
C. Story Script
D. Example Suggestive Interview Protocol
E. True and False Items Presented in Suggestive Interview
F. Example Follow-up Interview Protocol

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