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Eyewitness testimony, false confessions, and human performance technology an examination of wrongful convictions

Eyewitness testimony, false confessions, and human performance technology an examination of wrongful convictions
Table of Contents
Table of Contents
List of Tables
I. Introduction
A. Background of the Problem
B. Purpose of the Study
C. Definition of Terms
D. Delimitations
E. Significance of the Study
F. Research Questions
II. Review of the Literature
A. Wrongful Criminal Conviction
a. The Severity and Frequency of the Problem
b. The Social Costs of the Problem
c. The Death Penalty and the Wrongfully Convicted
d. Causes of Wrongful Conviction
e. Reform Possibilities
B. Faulty Eyewitness Testimony
a. The Leading Cause of Wrongful Conviction
b. Reasons for Faulty Eyewitness Identification
c. Suggested Remedies for Faulty Eyewitness Testimony
C. False Confessions
a. The Second Leading Cause of Wrongful Convictions
b. Reasons for False Confession
c. Suggested Remedies for False Confessions
D. Human Performance Technology
a. Definition and Purpose
b. Human Performance Technology and Criminal Justice
III. Methodology
A. Overview
a. Methodological Approaches
b. Topic and Purpose
B. Significance of the Study
C. Research Design and Methods
a. Theoretical Framework
b. Setting, Population, or Phenomena
c. Researcher’s Role
d. Data Collection Methods
e. Data Management
f. Data Analysis Strategy
g. Pilot Instrument
h. Timeline
D. Summary
IV. Results
A. Data Analysis
a. Research Question One: Curriculum and Research
b. Research Question Two: Perceptions of Police
B. Results
a. Gender
b. Age
c. Education
C. Research Question Three: Human Performance Technology Interventions
V. Discussion
A. Research Questions
B. Summary of Methods
C. Summary of Findings
D. Discussion
a. Research Question 1
b. Research Question 2
c. Recommendations
d. Research Question 3
E. Recommendations for Practice
F. Recommendations for Future Research
G. Limitations
H. Conclusions
A. Required Training
B. Letter to Police Chiefs
C. Research Participation Approval
D. Letter to Participant Pool
E. Informed Consent Form
F. Survey Instrument
G. Data Collection Letter
H. Follow-Up Data Collection Letter
I. Survey Follow Up
J. Final Follow Up 

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