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Fabrication and characterization of HfO₂ based resistive random access memory devices

Fabrication and characterization of HfO based resistive random access memory devices
Table of Contents
Table of Contents
List of Tables
List of Figures
List of Abbreviations
1. Introduction and Background
1.1 Modern Day Memory Components
1.1.1 Static Random Access Memory
1.1.2 Dynamic Random Access Memory
1.1.3 Flash Memory
1.2 Memory Hierarchy
1.3 Understanding Flash Memory
1.3.1 Fundamentals of Flash Memory
1.3.2 SLC vs. MLC vs. TLC .
1.3.3 NAND Flash vs. NOR Flash
1.3.4 Limitations of Flash Memory
1.4 Universal Memory Component
1.5 Dissertation Outline
2. Literature Review
2.1 Memristor
2.2 Resistive Random Access Memory
2.2.1 Device Configuration in ReRAM Devices
2.2.2 Forming Step
2.2.3 Reset
2.2.4 Set
2.2.5 Polarity Dependent Switching
2.3 History of Resistive Memory Devices
2.4 Current Standing of ReRAM
2.5 Requirements for ReRAM
3. Ru/HfO2/TiOx/Ru/W ReRAM Devices
3.1 Fabrication
3.2 Testing Setup
3.3 Electrical Characteristics
3.4 Transport Studies
3.5 Extraction of Filament Parameters
3.6 Joule Heating
3.7 Multilevel ReRAM Cell Simulation
4. Ru/HfO2/TiN/W ReRAM Devices
4.1 Fabrication
4.2 Testing
4.3 Electrical Characteristics
4.4 Dependency of the Device Area
4.5 Slow Forming with C-V
5. Mg-Doped HfO2 ReRAM Devices
5.1 Fabrication
5.2 Electrical Characteristics
6. TiN/HfO2/Zr/W ReRAM Devices
6.1 Fabrication and testing
6.2 Electrical Characteristics
6.3 Energy Analysis
6.4 Transport Studies
6.5 Reset Mechanism
6.5.1 Triangular Pulse Reset
6.5.2 Trapezoidal Pulse Reset
6.6 Reset Mechanism Conclusion
7. Conclusions and Future Work
7.1 Conclusions
7.2 Highlights
7.3 Future Work
A. W-Electrode Memristive Devices
B. Fabrication Process Flows
B.1 W/TiO2/TiOx/W
B.2 Ru/HfO2/TiOx/Ru/W
B.3 Ru/HfO2/TiN/W
B.4 Ru/Mg:HfO2/TiN/W
B.5 Mg:HfO2 Cross-Bar Structures
C. Mask Design
C.1 Characterization Mask
C.1.1 Mask Layout
C.1.2 MIM Capacitors, MOS Capacitors, and Schottky Diodes
C.1.3 Thin Film Transistors
C.1.4 Solar Cell Grids
C.1.5 Chip Design
C.2 Cross-Bar Mask Design
C.2.1 Process Flow
C.2.2 Device Structures
C.2.3 1D1R Cross-Bar Structures
C.2.4 1T1R Cross-Bars
C.2.5 DIP Packages
C.2.6 E-Beam Lithography Cross-Bars
C.2.7 Measurement Structures
C.2.8 Masks
C.3 ReRAM Mask – 2” Wafers 

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