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Four-year college choice considerations among high-achieving lower-income community college students in Michigan

Four-year college choice considerations among high-achieving lower-income community college students in Michigan
Table of Contents
Table of Contents
List of Tables
1 Overview of the Study
1.1 Statement of the Problem
1.2 Purpose of This Study
1.3 Assumptions
1.4 Conceptual Framework
1.5 Theoretical Perspectives
1.6 Research Questions
1.6.1 Research Question One
1.6.2 Research Question Two
1.7 Methodology
1.8 Significance of the Study
1.9 Limitations
1.10 Definitions
1.10.1 College Choice Influences
1.10.2 Cultural Capital
1.10.3 Class Reproduction
1.10.4 Habitus
1.10.5 High-Achieving
1.10.6 Lower-Income
1.10.7 Undermatching
1.10.8 Stratification
1.10.9 Traditional vs. Non-Traditional College Student
1.10.9 Selectivity vs. Non-Selectivity
1.11 Summary
2 Review if the Literature
2.1 Introduction
2.2 Two-Year to Four-Year Transfer College Choice Considerations
2.3 The Economics of Higher Education and Stratification
2.4 Development of Community Colleges, Tracking, and the Transfer Function
2.5 The Sociology of Higher Education, Cultural Capital, and Stratification
2.6 Cultural Capital, Habitus, and College Choice
3 Methodology
3.1 Study Design and Rationale
3.2 Research Questions
3.2.1 Research Question One
3.2.2 Research Question Two
3.3 Site Selection
3.4 Participant Selection
3.5 Data Collection & Identification of Themes
3.6 Participant Safeguards
3.7 Trustworthiness and Limitations
3.8 Summary
4 Findings
4.1 Introduction
4.1.1 Research Question One
4.1.2 Research Question Two
4.2 Summary of Participant Profiles
4.3 Geographical Factors in College Choice
4.4 Work, Loans and Financial Factors in Transfer College Choice Considerations
4.5 Motivation and Ambition as Factors Influencing Transfer College Choice Considerations and Decisions
4.5.1 Motivation to Transfer and Succeed From Prior Workforce Experience
4.5.2 Motivation to Transfer and Succeed With Or Without Family Guidance Or Support
4.5.3 Motivation to Transfer and Succeed From Intellectual Curiosity
4.5.4 Motivation to Transfer and Succeed With or Without Counselor or Instructor Support
4.6 Summary
5 Discussion, Conclusion, and Recommendations
5.1 Introduction
5.1.1 Research Question One
5.1.2 Research Question Two
5.2 Self-Motivation and Ambition as Major Influences of Transfer College Choice
5.3 Geographical and Family Constraints on Transfer College Choice
5.4 Financial Constraints on Transfer College Choice
5.5 Racial and Ethnic Constraints on Transfer Choice
5.6 Social Class and Cultural Capital as a Major Influence on Transfer College and Career Choice
5.7 Four-Year College Recruitment Constraints on Transfer Choice
5.8 Conclusion
5.8.1 Class-Based Constraints
5.8.2 Competitive Recruitment Strategies
5.8.3 Racial, Ethnic and Cultural Constraints
5.8.4 Transfer Choice Simplicity
5.8.5 College is work, not fun
5.9 Recommendations for Practice
5.10 Recommendations for Future Research
5.11 What Did I Learn?
A. Semi-Structured Interview Guide
B. Flyer: Study Seeking Participants 

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