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Ghost hunting and a Moroccan forest a geography of madness

Ghost hunting and a Moroccan forest a geography of madness
Table of Contents
Table of Contents
List of Figures
I. Introductions and Interruptions
A. The Methods of Madness, Hauntology, and Non-representational Theory
a. Biography of Nigel Thrift
b. Contents: Seven Tenets of Nigel’s Theory
c. Dis/contents
d. The Schizoaffective Turn
B. Thesis Structure
II. Gone Abroad and Gone Mad On the Moon: A Narrative of a Post-Imperial American
A. Gone Abroad
a.Certificat de Residence
b. When I Was Your Age I Walked
c. Couscous
d. A New Hobby
e. Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance
B. Gone Mad On the Moon.
a. Problem Statement
b. Objectives
c. Methodology and Data Collection
d. Analysis: Implementing the Model
e. Evaluation of Results
f. Results: 1984
g. Results: 1987
h. Results: 2001
i. Results: 2011
j. Back to the moon
III. The Leviathan of Empire: A Review of a French Colonial Narrative
A. Introduction
B. The Leviathan
a. The First Head: Desertification
b. The Second Head: The Destructive Native
c. The Third Head: Deforestation
d. Conclusion
IV. The Heavenly Plan and The Green One: A Makzenian Narrative
A. The Heavenly Plan
a. Introduction
b. Deconstructing the Heavenly Plan
c. Affect on the Forest
B. The Green One
a.The Apparition of Abul Abbas Ahmad Al Khidr
V. Conclusion

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