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Government policy and total fertility rates an analysis of Germany in stage five of the demographic transition model

Government policy and total fertility rates an analysis of Germany in stage five of the demographic transition model
Table of Contents
An Abstract of
Table of Contents
List of Tables
List of Figures
1 An Introduction
1.1 Introduction
1.2 Problem Statement
1.3 Study Area
1.4 Methodology
1.5 Literature Review
1.5.1 Population Geography: Why study Fertility?
1.5.2 Over Population vs. Shrinking Population
1.5.3 Demographic Transitions
1.5.4 Net-Migration
1.5.5 Political Laws: How they affect fertility
1.5.6 Why should government policy be considered within the Second Demographic Transition Model?
2 Study Area and Statistical Analysis
2.1 Regression Analysis
2.1.1 Data Collection and Defining the Variables
2.1.2 Demographic Data
2.1.3 Economic Data
2.1.4 Cultural Data
2.1.5 Challenges and Limitations
2.1.6 Methodology and Results
2.2 Model 1
2.3 Model 2
2.4 Model 3
2.5 Model 4
2.6 Model 5
2.7 Combined Residuals Analysis
2.8 Discussion
3 German Culture in Child-Rearing and Family Planning
3.1 Die Rabenmutter- the Raven Mother
3.2 Germany’s School System
3.3 Germany’s Childcare Options
3.4 Discussion
4 Population Policy
4.1 Historical Policy Effects on Family Planning
4.1.1 Case Study 1: French Bourgeoisie
4.1.2 Case Study 2: China’s One Child Policy
4.1.3 Can government influence fertility rates for the country?
4.2 Germany’s 2007 Parental Allowance and Parental Leave Act
4.3 Discussion
5 Immigration
5.1 History of Guest Workers (Gastarbeiter) and Turkish Germans
5.2 Immigrants Today
5.2.1 The European Union and the Schengen Agreement
5.2.2 Ethnic Germans
5.2.3 Humanitarian: Asylum and Atonement Immigrants
5.3 Integration
5.4 Discussion
6 Conclusion
6.1 Final Notes
6.2 Future Research

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