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Identifying common genes from rheumatoid arthrisis, systemic lupus, multiple sclerosis and Sjögren's Syndrome by pooling existing microarray data

Identifying common genes from rheumatoid arthrisis, systemic lupus, multiple sclerosis and Sjögren's Syndrome by pooling existing microarray data
Table of Contents
Table of Contents
List of Tables
List of Figures
The Introduction, Chapter 1
1.1 General Statement
1.2 Need for this Study
1.3 Objectives
The Methods, Chapter 2
2.1 Identification of Microarray Studies
2.2 Running Data in GEO2R
2.3 Downloading and Collecting Data
2.4 Merging by p-values
The Results, Chapter 3
3.1 Gene List Evolution
The Discussion, Chapter 4
4.1 Genes of the Interferon Pathway
4.2 Our Ten Common Shared Autoimmune Genes
4.2 Limitations
The Conclusion, Chapter 5
A. The Merge R Code, Appendix A
B. Additional Tables from Gene Lists, Appendix B
C. The Heatmap R Code, Appendix C
D. Additional Resources and Affymetrix data/studies used
E. Author Information/QR Code 

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