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Implications of self for content and process models of stereotypes

Implications of self for content and process models of stereotypes
Table of Contents
Table of Contents
List of Tables
List of Figures
I. Literature Review
A. Content Models
a. Cubic EPA Model
B. Process Models
a. Social Identity Theory
b. Inductive Reasoning Model
C. Self-Construal
D. Current Research
II. Method
A. Participants
B. Materials
C. Procedure
III. Results
A. Hypothesis 1
a. Traits
b. Behaviors
B. Hypothesis 2
a. Traits
b. Behaviors
C. Hypothesis 3
a. Traits
b. Behaviors
D. Hypothesis 4
IV. Discussion
A. Projection to Ingroups, Mixed Groups, Outgroups (H1)
B. Self-Construal and Projection (H2)
C. Self-Construal and Perceived Positivity (H3 and H4)
D. Implications and Limitations
E. Conclusions
A. Self-Construal Scale
B. Self-Judgment Task (Stimuli)
C. Group Feedback Sample
D. Other-Judgment Task (Stimuli)
E. Positivity Judgment (Stimuli)
F. Chronic vs. Momentary Construal
G. Momentary Construal and Positivity
H. Momentary Construal Moderates Projection

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