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Influence of a front buffer layer on the performance of flexible CdS/CdTe solar cells

Influence of a front buffer layer on the performance of flexible CdS/CdTe solar cells
Table of Contents
Table of Contents
List of Tables
List of Figures
1 Introduction
1.1 Preface
1.2 Solar energy
1.3 Solar cell basics
1.4 CdTe thin-film photovoltaics
1.5 Flexible solar cells
1.5.1 Review of prior art
1.5.2 Flexible CdTe challenges
1.6 Thesis overview
2 The sputtering process and experimental methods
2.1 Sputtering
2.2 Sputtering systems
2.2.1 DC sputtering
2.2.2 RF sputtering
2.2.3 Magnetron sputtering
2.3 Physics of sputtering
2.3.1 Plasma generation
2.3.2 Ion-surface interaction
2.3.3 Sputter yield
2.3.4 Sputtered atoms transportation Throughput and pumping speed Residence time Flow velocity Mean free path
2.3.5 Growth process
2.4 CdTe device fabrication procedure
2.4.1 Substrate preparation
2.4.2 Semiconductor layer deposition
2.4.3 CdCl2 treatment
2.4.4 Evaporation of metal back contact
3 Optimization of transparent conducting oxide
3.1 Introduction
3.2 Physics of TCO
3.3 Zinc oxide
3.3.1 Crystal structure
3.3.2 Mechanical properties of ZnO
3.3.3 Defects in ZnO
3.4 Aluminum doped zinc oxide
3.5 Experimental procedure
3.6 Resistivity of AZO films
3.7 Optical transmission of AZO films
3.8 Hall Effect measurements
3.9 X-ray diffraction (XRD)
3.10 Surface roughness
3.11 Conclusions
4 High-resistivity transparent layer
4.1 Introduction
4.2 Non-uniformity in thin film devices
4.3 HRT theory
4.4 HRT as an adhesion layer
4.5 Experimental results
4.5.1 Resistivity of sputtered ZnO:Al and SnO2 thin films
4.5.2 Experimental results on completed devices
4.5.3 Conclusions for ZnO:Al and SnO2
4.6 Optimization of ZnO
4.6.1 Results and discussion Transmission spectroscopy Surface morphology X-ray diffraction Performance of the completed devices Conclusion
5 All sputtered CdTe solar cells on flexible substrates
5.1 Introduction
5.2 Flexible substrates
5.3 Issues in the fabrication process
5.4 Step-by-step fabrication procedure
5.4.1 Substrate preparation
5.4.2 AZO deposition
5.4.3 HRT deposition
5.4.4 CdS/CdTe deposition
5.4.5 CdCl2 treatment
5.4.6 Back contact and Cu diffusion
5.5 Results and discussion
5.6 Conclusion
6 Conclusions
6.1 Summary
6.2 Future considerations

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