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Injury prediction in Division I college football players using a modified lower extremity version of the FMS

Injury prediction in Division I college football players using a modified lower extremity version of the FMS
Table of Contents
Table of Contents
List of Tables
List of Abbreviations
I. Introduction
A. Background
B. Problem Statement
C. Purpose Statement
D. Significance of Study
E. Hypothesis
II. Literature Review
A. Epidemiology
a. Body Parts Injured
b. Mechanism of Injuries
c. Injury Definitions
B. Functional Movement Screen
C. FMS in Injury Prediction
D. Interrater Reliability of FMS
E. Summary
III. Study Design
A. Subjects
a. Instrumentation
b. Independent Variables
c. Dependent Variables
B. Procedures
C. Injury Monitoring
D. Data Analysis
IV. Results
V. Discussion
A. Introduction
B. Comparison to Previous Research
C. Clinical Significance
D. Limitations
E. Conclusions

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