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Is complementary and alternative medicine (CAM) used to combat medical costs? a study of consumers, medical professionals, and a CAM practitioner

Is complementary and alternative medicine (CAM) used to combat medical costs? a study of consumers, medical professionals, and a CAM practitioner
Table of Contents
Table of Contents
List of Abbreviations
1 Introduction
1.1 Aim of this research
1.2 Rational for this study
1.3 What this study adds to health and healing research
2 Literature Review
2.1 Health as a result of societal, cultural, and environmental factors
2.2 Health challenges in U.S. society and culture
2.3 Sociocultural values and healing
2.4 A brief history of capitalism in the U.S. and the formal health care industry.
2.5 Culture’s effect on health and healing
2.6 Traditional Western medicine
2.7 Rising medical costs
2.8 Medical debt
2.9 Complementary and alternative medicine
2.10 Occupational roles
2.10.1 CAM practitioners
2.10.2 Physicians
2.10.3 Nurses
2.10.4 Consumers
2.11 How this study adds to research on health and healing
2.11.1 Interactions in Cohn’s research
2.11.2 Qualitative studies on traditional Western medicine and CAM use
3 Theory
3.1 Individuality in behaviors
3.2 Social roles, attitudes, interactions and behaviors
3.2.1 Social roles and authority
3.2.2 Health care consumers and social roles
3.2.3 Medical professionals and social roles
3.3 Performances
3.3.1 Physician performances
3.3.2 Nurse performances
3.4 Interactions and behaviors
3.5 Attitudes and behaviors
3.6 The I, the Me, and the Generalized Other and behaviors
3.7 Marxist theory and the health care industry
3.8 Goff man’s discussions of teams and the health care industry
3.9 Goff man’s discrepant roles and the health care industry
4 Methodology and Data
4.1 Research design
4.2 Qualitative data collection
4.3 Sampling Methods
4.4 Procedure
4.5 Field Site Access
4.6 Coding
5 Findings
5.1 Rising medical costs
5.1.2 Nurse participants and medical costs
5.1.3 Physicians and medical costs
5.1.4 CAM practitioner and medical costs
5.2 Rise in complementary and alternative medicine use
5.2.1 Consumer participants and CAM use
5.2.2 Nurses and CAM use
5.2.3 Physicians ad CAM use
5.2.4 CAM practitioner and CAM use
5.3 Interactions with the health care industry
5.3.1. Consumer participants and interacting with the health care industry
5.3.2 Nurse participants and interacting with the health care industry
5.3.3 Physicians and interacting with the health care industry
5.3.4 CAM practitioner and interactions with the health care industry
5.4 Consumer participants and attitudes on best methods of treatment
5.4.1 Nurse participants and attitudes best method of treatment
5.4.2 Physician participants and attitudes on best method of treatment
5.4.3 CAM practitioner and attitudes on best method of treatment
6 Analysis
6.1 Rising medical costs
6.1.1 Consumer participants and rising medical costs
6.2 Consumer participants and CAM use
6.3 Consumer participants and interactions with the health care industry
6.4 Consumer participants and methods of treatment
6.5 Nurse participants and medical expenses
6.6 Nurse participants and CAM use
6.7 Nurse participants and methods of treatment
6.8 Physicians and medical costs
6.9 Physicians and CAM use
6.10 Physicians and interactions with the health care industry
6.11 Physicians and methods of healing
6.12 CAM practitioner and rising medical costs
6.13 CAM practitioner and CAM use
6.14 CAM practitioner and interacting with the health care industry
6.15 CAM practitioner and methods of treatment
7 Conclusions
7.1 Methods.
7.2 Implications
7.3 Limitations
7.4 Future research
7.5 Conclusion
A. Interview questions for physicians, nurses, and CAM practitioner
B. Interview questions for consumer participants
C. Informed consent 

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