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Latinos in American schools

Latinos in American schools
Table of Contents
Table of Contents
I. America’s Latinos
A. Introduction
B. Ethnographic study of Latino students in United States schools
C. Latino language and identity
D. Uncertainty of Latino language preservation and English development in schools
E. Bilingual education on the horizon
F. Bilingual education alternatives
G. El Señor [the Lord] and language
H. ¡Ayúdeles! [Let’s help them!]
I. Expanding knowledge
II. Methodology & Vignettes
A. Background and role of researcher
B. Theoretical framework
C. Research questions
D. Data gathering procedure and instrument
E. Participants
a. Bella
b. Manny
c. Nona
d. Daniel
e. Izzie
F. Data analysis
G. Glimpse of conclusions
III. Results
A. Findings
B. Research question 1.
a. The role of language in establishing identity in school
b. The role of economics in establishing identity in school
c. The role of attitudes towards Latinos in establishing identity
d. The role of family in establishing identity in school
e. The role of religion in establishing identity in school
f. The role of personal interaction/communication
C. Research question 2.
D. Research question 3.
E. Implications of research
F. Limitations of research
G. Suggestions for future research
H. Conclusion: no longer void of purpose

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