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Liquid Jets Injected into Non - Uniform Crossflow

Liquid Jets Injected into Non - Uniform Crossflow
Table of Contents
Table of Contents
List of Figures
List of Tables
List of Symbols
Chapter 1 Introduction
1.1 Liquid Jets in Crossflow: Introduction and Motivation
1.1.1 Application for Fuel Injection in Gas Turbine Engines
1.2 Literature Review: Jets in Crossflow
1.2.1 Single-Phase Jets in Crossflow
1.2.2 Liquid Jets in Crossflow
1.3 Jets in Non-Uniform Crossflow
1.4 Literature Review: Jets in Non-Uniform Crossflow
1.4.1 Single-Phase Jets in Non-Uniform Crossflow
1.4.2 Liquid Jets in Non-Uniform Crossflow
1.5 Motivation and Objectives of Current Study
Chapter 2 Experimental Setup and Measurement Techniques
2.1 Experimental Setup for Shear-Laden Crossflow
2.1.1 Concept of the Setup
2.1.2 Test Rig
2.1.3 Test Chamber
2.1.4 Air Delivery System
2.1.5 Water Delivery System
2.1.6 Particle Seeder
2.2 Experimental Setup for Swirling Crossflow
2.2.1 Concept of the Setup
2.2.2 Horizontal Rig
2.2.3 Mechanism for Swirl Generation
2.2.4 Test Chamber
2.2.5 Centerbody
2.3 Measurement Techniques
2.3.1 Particle Image Velocimetry (PIV)
2.3.2 Phase Doppler Particle Anemometry (PDPA)
2.3.3 Phase Doppler Interferometry (PDI)
2.4 Relevant Parameters and Properties
2.4.1 Jet Properties
2.4.2 Important Parameters for Liquid Jets in Crossflow
Chapter 3 Liquid Jets Injected into Shear-Laden Crossflow
3.1 Approach to Measurements and Test Conditions
3.1.1 Test Conditions
3.2 Shear-Laden Crossflow: Results and Discussion
3.2.1 Crossflow Velocity Distribution
3.2.2 Crossflow Velocity Profiles at the Location of Jet Injection
3.2.3 Crossflow Turbulence at the Location of Jet Injection
3.3 Overview of Liquid Jets in Shear-Laden Crossflow
3.4 Jet Penetration
3.4.1 Penetration of the Baseline Jet (case 8b)
3.4.2 Extracting the Jet Boundary
3.4.3 Effect of Crossflow Parameters (We, UR) on Jet Penetration
3.4.4 Effect of q on Jet Penetration
3.4.5 Penetration Correlations
3.5 Droplet Velocities in the Jet Centerplane (PIV)
3.5.1 Droplet Velocity Distribution for the Baseline Jet (case 8b)
3.5.2 Effect of Crossflow Parameters (We, UR) on Jet Centerplane Velocity
3.5.3 Effect of q on Jet Centerplane Velocity
3.6 Properties of the Jet Cross-Section (PDPA)
3.6.1 Cross-Section of the Baseline Jet (case 8b)
3.6.2 Effect of UR on the Jet Cross-Section
3.6.3 Effect of q on the Jet Cross-Section
3.7 Summary of Jets in Shear-Laden Crossflow
Chapter 4 Liquid Jets Injected into Swirling Crossflow
4.1 Approach to Measurements and Test Conditions
4.1.1 Test Conditions
4.1.2 Note on Polar Coordinates
4.2 Swirling Crossflow: Results and Discussion
4.2.1 Velocity Distribution for the Baseline Crossflow (Case C2): Original Measurements
4.2.2 Transformation to Polar Velocity Components
4.2.3 Calculating Circumferential Motion
4.2.4 Crossflow Velocity Distribution
4.3 Overview of Liquid Jets in Swirling Crossflow
4.3.1 PIV Setup for Measurements in Cross-Sectional Planes
4.3.2 PIV Setup for measurements in Streamwise Planes
4.4 Evolution of the Liquid Jet in Swirling Crossflow
4.4.1 Creating the 3-D Jet Plume
4.4.2 Evolution of the Baseline Jet (Case J3c)
4.5 Jet Penetration
4.5.1 Effect of the 3-D nature of the Jet Trajectory on Penetration
4.5.2 Radial Penetration, rP
4.5.3 Circumferential Penetration, φP
4.5.4 Extracting the 3-D Jet Trajectory
4.5.5 Comparison of Jet Penetration to Literature (Uniform Crossflow)
4.5.6 Penetration of the Baseline Jet (case J3c)
4.5.7 Effect of Crossflow and Jet Parameters on Jet Penetration
4.6 Droplet Velocities: Cross-Sectional Planes
4.6.1 Obtaining Polar Components of Droplet Velocities
4.6.2 Cross-Sectional Droplet Velocity Distribution for the Baseline Jet (Case J3c)
4.7 Droplet Velocities: Streamwise Planes
4.7.1 Streamwise Droplet Velocity Distribution for the Baseline Jet (Case J3s)
4.8 3-D Droplet Velocities
4.8.1 Obtaining 3-D Droplet Velocity Components
4.8.2 3-D Droplet Velocity Distribution for the Baseline Jet (Case J3)
4.9 Summary of Jets in Swirling Crossflow
Chapter 5 Conclusions and Future Work
5.1 Conclusions
5.2 Future Work

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