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Managing medication regimen arthritis patients' perception

Managing medication regimen arthritis patients' perception
Table of Contents
Table of Contents
List of Tables
List of Figures
List of Abbreviations
Chapter 1: Introduction
1.1 Drug Related Problems
1.2 Drug Related Problems in Arthritis Patients
1.3 The Shifting Role in Pharmacy Practice
1.4 Arthritis Patient Behavior
1.5 Health Belief Model
1.6 Problem Statement
1.7 Goal and Objectives
1.8 Research Questions and Hypotheses
1.8.1 Research Question 1
1.8.2 Research Question 2
1.8.3 Research Question 3
1.8.4 Research Question 4
1.8.5 Research Question 5
Chapter 2: Review of Literature
2.1 Arthritis—Data and Statistics
2.2 Osteoarthritis
2.3 Rheumatoid Arthritis
2.4 Drug Related Problems
2.5 Patient Counseling
2.6 Medication Therapy Management
2.7 OA-Focused Pharmaceutical Care Service in Canada23
2.8 OA-Focused Pharmaceutical Care Services in United Kingdom49
2.9 Health Belief Model
Chapter 3: Methods
3.1 The Selection Process3.2 Instrument
3.3 Questionnaire Administration
3.4 Data Analysis
3.4.1 Research Question 1
3.4.2 Research Question 2
3.4.3 Research Question 3
3.4.4 Research Question 4
3.4.5 Research Question 5
Chapter 4: Data Analysis and Result
4.1 Pilot Study
4.2 Reliability of the Questionnaire
4.3 Sample Size and Response Rate
4.4 Demographic Characteristics of Respondents
4.5 Non-Response Bias - Comparison of the Early and Late Respondents
4.6 Analysis of the Research Questions
4.6.1 Intention to Ask for Counseling from Pharmacists
4.6.2 Respondents’ Health Beliefs
4.6.3 Respondents’ self-management ability
4.6.4 Statistical Analysis to Test Hypotheses
4.7 Comments from Respondents
Chapter 5: Discussion and Conclusion
5.1 Reliability and Validity
5.2 Discussion on the Response Rate
5.3 Discussion on the Descriptive and Statistical Analysis Results
5.3.1 Demographic Information of Respondents
5.3.2 Gender, Age, Race, Annual Household Income, Comorbidities, and Number of Medications
5.3.3 Insurance Status
5.3.4 Difference in the Demographic Characteristics towards Intention
5.3.5 Arthritis Patients’ Health Beliefs
5.3.6 Arthritis Patients’ Intention to Ask for Medication Counseling from Pharmacists
5.3.7 Patient Counseling Campaigns from the Literature
5.3.8 Suggested Remedies based on Study Results
5.3.9 Arthritis Patients’ Medication Self-Management Ability
5.3.10 The Relationship between the Ability to Self-Manage Medications and Intention to Ask for Counseling
5.3.11 Comments from Respondents
5.4 Study Limitations
5.5 Suggestions for Future Research
5.6 Conclusion of the Study
Appendix A
IRB Approval
Appendix B
Adult Research Subject Information Form
Appendix C
Cover Letter
Appendix D
Final Questionnaire 

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