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Meanings to rehabilitation nurses when institutionalized older persons fall or a fall is prevented

Meanings to rehabilitation nurses when institutionalized older persons fall or a fall is prevented
Table of Contents
Table of Contents
List of Tables
List of Figures
I. Chapter 1
A. Statement of Problem
B. Statement of Purpose
C. Nursing Conceptual Model/Theoretical Framework
D. Research Question
E. Definition of Terms
a. Institutionalized older person
1. Conceptual definition
2. Orientational definition
b. Fall
1. Conceptual definition
2. Orientational definition
c. Prevention of a fall
1. Conceptual definition
2. Orientational definition
d. Change in practice
1. Conceptual definition
2. Orientational definition
F. Significance
G. Assumptions
H. Limitations
I. Summary
II. Chapter 2: Literature
A. Nursing Conceptual/Theoretical Framework
a. The system targets
1. Control
2. Stability
3. Growth
4. Spirituality
b. The process dimensions
1. System maintenance
2. System change
3. Coherence
4. Individuation
c. Synthesis of the framework
B. Review of Research Literature
a. Preventing falls in the rehabilitation setting
b. Nurses’ experiences when a patient falls
c. Practice change related to patient falls
C. Synthesis of Research Literature
D. Summary
III. Chapter 3: Method
A. Design
B. Participants
a. Inclusion criteria
b. Exclusion criteria
C. Material
a. Letter of invitation to participate
b. Survey
D. Data Collection
a. Sampling
b. Protection of human subjects
c. Data collection and recording
d. Validity
e. Assumptions and limitations
E. Data Analysis
F. Summary
IV. Chapter 4: Results
A. Sample
B. Findings
a. Description of falls
b. Meaning of falls: incongruence and congruence
1. Negative feelings: incongruence
2. Positive feelings: congruence
c. Practice change after a fall
d. Description of prevented falls
e. Meaning of preventing falls: congruence
f. Practice change after falls prevented
C. Summary
V. Chapter 5: Discussion
A. Findings
a. Research question one
1. Negative feelings: incongruence
2. Positive feelings: congruence
b. Research question two
c. Research questions three
d. Research question four
e. Nursing theoretical framework
B. Conclusions
C. Limitation
D. Implications
E. Recommendations for Further Research
F. Summary
A. Survey
B. RNF Grant Letter
C. University of Toledo IRB Approval Letter
D. Letter of Invitation to Participate
E. Evaluation Tool 

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