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Monitoring of bird movement via marine radar in the western basin of Lake Erie

Monitoring of bird movement via marine radar in the western basin of Lake Erie
Table of Contents
Table of Contents
List of Tables
List of Figures
1. Introduction
2. Literature review of Radar Studies
2.1. Acquiring the radar signal
2.2. Commercially Available Marine Radar Systems:
2.3. Summary
3. Marine Radar Based Monitoring System
3.1. Marine Radar:
3.2. Digitizing Card:
3.3. Radar Signal Processing Software (radR)
3.4. Radar Signal Processing
3.5. Detection of Targets.
3.5.1. The Learning Phase
3.5.2. Sample Scores
3.5.3. Classification of samples
3.5.4. Finding and Filtering Blips
3.5.5. Track formation algorithms
3.6. Other radR plugins
3.7. Summary
4. Target Tracking
4.1 Introduction
4.2 Tracker Models in radR
4.3. Tracker Model:
4.3.1. Nearest Neighbor Model:
4.3.2. Multi Frame Correspondence (MFC) Model:
4.4. Summary:
5. Marine Radar Data Processing and Analysis
5.1. Study area
5.2. Radar Equipment
5.3. Study Design
5.3.1. Vertical Scanning Mode – Target Counts and Altitudes
5.3.2. Parabolic Scanning mode – Target Directions
5.4 Radar Recordings
5.5. Data Analysis
5.6. Processing of Radar data
5.7. Post Processing of Radar data
5.8. Results
6. Conclusions and future work
6.1. Conclusion
6.2. Future work
Appendix A
Radar Data Collection, Processing and Analysis Procedure

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