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Natural products-inspired synthesis and biological evaluation of bioactive agents

Natural products-inspired synthesis and biological evaluation of bioactive agents
Table of Contents
Table of Contents
List of Tables
List of Figures
List of Schemes
List of Spectra
List of Abbreviations
1 Neuroprotective Agents: Introduction
2 Neuroprotective Agents: Results and Discussion
2.1 Synthesis of 12-17
2.2 Biological Studies Results
2.3 Discussion
3 Neuroprotective Agents: Experimental Section
3.1 Synthesis
3.2 Biological Evaluation
4 Largazole Analogues: Introduction
4.1 HDAC Isoforms and Current HDAC Inhibitors
4.1.1 Class I HDAC Complexes
4.2 HDAC Inhibitors
4.3 Largazole SAR
4.4 Mechanism of HDAC Inhibitor-Induced Cell Death
4.5 Drug Design and Rationale
5 Largazole Analogues: Results and Discussion
5.1 Retrosynthetic Analysis of Largazole Analogues JA1-JA6
5.2 Synthesis of Acetyl Nagao Auxillary 48
5.3 Synthesis of Alcohol 53
5.4 Synthesis of Analogue JA1
5.5 Synthesis of Bi-Pyridine Analogue JA2
5.6 Synthesis of Fragments 43-46
5.7 Synthesis of Analogues JA3-JA6
6 Largazole Analogues: Biological Studies
6.1 Results and Discussion
6.2 Discussion
7 Largazole Analogues: Future Directions
8 Largazole Analogues: Experimental Section
8.1 Synthesis
8.2 Biological Evaluation
Appendix A: (1H and 13C NMR Spectra) 

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