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Perceptions of university and college presidents regarding tobacco-free campus

Perceptions of university and college presidents regarding tobacco-free campus
Table of Contents
Table of Contents
List of Tables
List of Figures
I. Introduction
A. Tobacco Exposure and Cost
a. Estimates of Tobacco Use
b. Estimates of Secondhand Smoke
c. Health Effects of Tobacco Use and Secondhand Smoke
d. Tobacco and Economics
B. Move to Tobacco-Free
a. Population Based
b. Colleges and Universities
C. Purpose of the Study
D. Definition of Terms
E. Research Questions
G. Delimitations of the Study
H. Limitations of the Study
II. Literature Review
A. Tobacco Health Outcomes
a. Tobacco and Cancer
b. Tobacco and Cardiovascular Disease
c. Tobacco and Respiratory Disease
d. Tobacco and Female Reproductive Health
e. Tobacco and Other Negative Health Consequences
f. Smokeless Tobacco and Health
B. Components of Comprehensive Tobacco Control Programs
a. Monitoring Tobacco Use and Prevention Policies
b. Protect people from Secondhand Tobacco Smoke
c. Offer Help to Quit Tobacco Use
d. Warn About the Dangers of Tobacco
e. Enforce Bans on Tobacco Advertising, Promotion, and Sponsorship
f. Raise Taxes on Tobacco
C. College-Age Student Use of Tobacco
D. Tobacco-Free Policy Adoption
E. Theoretical Basis
a. Stages of Change
b. Health Belief Model
F. Research with University Presidents
G. Summary
III. Methods
A. Participants
B. Instrument Development
C. Instrument Psychometrics
D. Procedure
E. Data Analysis
F. Summary
IV. Results
A. Response Rate
B. Data Manipulation
C. Data Weighting
D. Demographic and Background Characteristics
E. Placement in Stages of Change
F. Perceptions and Tobacco Prevention Initiatives of Respondents
G. Personnel Barriers to Implementing Tobacco-Free Campus Policies
H. Institutional Barriers to Implementing Tobacco-Free Campus Policies
I. Benefits to Implementing Tobacco-Free campus Policies
J. Personnel Having a Role in Establishing Tobacco-Free Campus Policy
K. Cues to Action in Initiating a Tobacco-Free Campus Policy
L. Presidents and Tobacco Prevention Initiatives
M. Establishing Barrier and Benefit Levels
N. Perceptions of Tobacco-Free Policies by Level of Perceived Personnel Barriers
O. Perceptions of Tobacco-Free Policies by Level of Perceived Institution Barriers
P. Perceptions of Tobacco-Free Policies by Level of Perceived Benefits
Q. Demographic and Background Characteristics Associated with Type of Policy
R. Hypotheses Tests
S. Summary
V. Conclusions
A. Summary of the Study
B. Accepted Hypotheses
C. Rejected Hypotheses
D. Discussion
a. Stages of Change in Establishing a Tobacco-Free Campus Policy
b. Presidents’ Tobacco Prevention Initiatives
c. Barriers to Establishing a Tobacco-Free Campus Policy
d. Benefits to Establishing a Tobacco-Free Campus Policy
e. Key Players and Advocacy Activities
f. Characteristic Associated with Tobacco-Free Campus Policies
H. Recommendations for Advocates
I. Future Research
J. Summary
A. Human Subjects Approval Letter
B. Survey Instrument
C. Expert Panel Review
D. Letter to Experts
E. Postcard Pre-notification: Wave One
F. Cover Letter: Wave Two
G. Cover Letter: Wave Three
H. Cover Letter: Wave Four
I. “Other” Comments from Respondents
J. Budget for the Study 

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