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Pharmacological studies of compounds targeting glutamate transporter 1 for the attenuation of alcohol-drinking behavior in alcohol preferring rats

Pharmacological studies of compounds targeting glutamate transporter 1 for the attenuation of alcohol-drinking behavior in alcohol preferring rats
List of Tables
List of Figures
1. Introduction
1.1 Overview
1.2 The Neurocircuitry System Mediating the Mechanism of Reward
1.2.1 Anatomy of the Reward Neurocircuitry
1.2.2 The Effects of Alcohol on Neurotransmission within the Reward Neurocircuitry
1.3 Currently Used Drugs for Treatment of Alcoholism
1.4 Glutamatergic System as a Target for Treatment of Alcoholism
1.4.1 Glutamate Receptors
1.4.2 Glutamate Transporters
1.4.3 Cystine-glutamate Antiporter (xCT)
1.5 Glutamate Transporters and Alcoholism
1.5.1 GLT-1 and Alcoholism
1.5.2 xCT and Alcoholism
1.5.3 Other Glutamate Transporters and Alcoholism
1.6 Target Drugs Up-regulating or Activating Glial Glutamate Transporter and xCT
1.6.1 Ceftriaxone
1.6.2 (R)-(−)-5-methyl-1-nicotinoyl-2-pyrazoline (MS-153)
1.6.3 3-(3-pyridyl)-1-propyl (2S)-1-(3,3-dimethyl-1,2-dioxopentyl)-2- pyrrolidinecarboxylate (GPI-1046)
1.7 Alcohol-preferring Rats (P rats) Model for Alcoholism
1.8 Aims and Objectives
2. Material and Methods
2.1 Animals
2.2 Alcohol Drinking Paradigm
2.3 Sucrose Drinking Paradigm
2.4 Brain Tissue harvesting
2.5 Protein Tissue Extraction Protocol
2.6 Protein Quantification Assay
2.7 Western Blot Procedures
2.8 Statistical Analysis
3. Results
3.1 Ceftriaxone in Relapse-like Ethanol Drinking Study
3.2 MS-153 in Chronic Ethanol Drinking Study
4. Discussion and Conclusions
4.1 Ceftriaxone in Relapse-like Ethanol Drinking Study
4.2 MS-153 in Chronic Ethanol Drinking Study

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