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Predicting adherence to aromatase inhibitor therapy in patients with breast cancer using protection motivation theory

Predicting adherence to aromatase inhibitor therapy in patients with breast cancer using protection motivation theory
Table of Contents
I. Abstract
II. Acknowledgements
III. Table of Contents
IV. List of Tables
V. List of Figures
VI. Chapter One: Introduction
A. Background
B. Problem Statement
C. Need For The Study
D. Significance
E. Goal
F. Objectives
G. Research Questions and Hypotheses
VII. Chapter Two: Literature Review
A. Breast Cancer
i. Risk Factors
ii. Epidemiology
iii. Economic Burden
iv. Staging of Breast Cancer
v. Intrinsic Subtypes of Breast Cancer
vi. Treatment options
B. Hormonal Therapy
i. Mechanism of Action
ii. Clinical Efficay and Treatment Regimen
iii. Side-effects
C. Medication Adherence
i. Measures of Adherence
ii. Self Reported Medication Adherence
iii. Significance of Adherence
iv. Contributing Factors
D. Medication Adherence in Patients with Breast Cancer
i. Non-adherence and early discontinuation
ii. Consequences of Non adherence or Early Discontinuation of Hormonal Therapies
E. Health Behavior Theories Used to Explain Medication Adherence
i. Health Belief Model (HBM) and Medication adherence
ii. Theory of Planned Behavior and Medication Adherence
iii. Motivational Interviewing and Medication Adherence
iv. A multidimensional approach to medication adherence
v. Protection Motivation Theory
VI. Chapter Three: Method
A. Introduction
B. Theoretical Framework
C. Instrumentation
D. Instrument Validation
E. Study Population
F. Sampling and Power Analysis
G. Data Collection
H. Data Analyses
VII. Chapter 4: Results
A. Response Rate
B. Validity Testing
C. Reliability Testing
D. Description of the Study Population
E. Breast Cancer History
F. Side-Effects Experienced by the Patients
G. Adherence to Aromatase Inhibitors
H. Protection Motivation Theory
i. Perceived Vulnerability
ii. Perceived Severity
iii. Threat Appraisal
iv. Response Efficacy
v. Response Cost
vi. Self-Efficacy
vii. Coping Appraisal
viii. Protection Motivation
I. Testing of Research Questions and Hypothesis
i. Relationship between the PMT Variables and Adherence
ii. Interaction between the PMT Variables
iii. Relationship between Non-PMT Variables and Adherence
iv. Predictors of Adherence
IX. Chapter 5: Discussion
A. Discussion
B. Strengths and Limitations and Future Implications
X. References
XI. Appendix
A. Appendix 1: Morisky’s 4-item questionnaire
B. Appendix 2: Morisky’s 8-item questionnaire
C. Appendix 3: IRB Approval Letter
D. Appendix 4: Survey Questionnaire
E. Appendix 5: Cover letter – 1st wave
F. Appendix 6: Cover letter – 2nd wave
G. Appendix 7: Cover letter – 3rd wave
H. Appendix 8: Cover letter – test retest
I. Appendix 9: Informed Consent 

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