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Predictors of self-injurious behaviors - a person by situation analysis of health-compromising behavior

Predictors of self-injurious behaviors - a person by situation analysis of health-compromising behavior
Table of Contents
Table of Contents
List of Tables
List of Figures
List of Symbols
I. Predictors of self-injurious behaviors: A person by situation analysis of healthcompromising behavior
A. Current investigation
B. Expressions of masculinity and negative health outcomes
C. Social pressures to prove masculinity
D. Masculinity threat
a. Gender role identity as a moderator
E. Self-affirmation reduces defensive processing
F. Unique contributions of current proposal
F. Hypotheses
a. Hypothesis 1
b. Hypothesis 2
c. Hypothesis 3
d. Hypothesis 4
II. Study 1
A. Overview
B. Participants and design
C. Bem Sex-Role Inventory
D. Procedure
a. Personality assessment
b. General knowledge inventory
c. Self-injurious behavior
d. Manipulation check
e. Feedback as threatening and accurate
f. Debriefing
III. Study 1 Results
A. Manipulation check item
a. Did participants accurately remember the feedback they received?
B. Correlations
a. Gender role orientation and self-injurious measures
C. Study 1 hypotheses
D. Measures of self-injury
a. Placement of the mV dial
b. Prolonged and repeated exposure
E. Ancillary analyses
a. Feedback as threatening
b. Feedback as accurate
IV. Study 1 Discussion
V. Study 2
A. Participants and design
B. Procedure
a. Self-affirmation manipulation
b. Manipulation check
c. debriefing
VI. Study 2 Results
A. Manipulation check item
a. Did participants accurately remember completing the assigned task?
B. Correlations
a. Gender role orientation and self-injurious measures
C. Study 2 hypotheses
D. Self-injurious behaviors
a. Placement of the mV dial
b. Prolonged and repeated exposure
VII. Study 2 discussion
VIII. General discussion
A. Background of current research
B. Overview of hypotheses and summary of results
a. Hypothesis 1
b. Hypothesis 2
c. Hypothesis 3
d. Hypothesis 4
C. Lack of masculinity threat effect in Study 1
a. Feedback not threatening
b. Other control conditions?
c. Mere presence of gender role cues as threatening?
d. Aspects of paradigm as threatening?
D. Discrepancy between mV dial placement and prolonged/repeated exposure measures
a. Overt behavior versus behavioral intentions
b. Order effects
c. Public versus private
E. Theoretical contributions
F. Limitations and future directions
a. General threat
b. Other self-identities
c. Masculine capital
d. Procedural issues
G. Implication for public health
XI. Conclusion
A. Bem sex-role inventory
B. Informed consent form
C. Personality assessment
D. General knowledge inventory
E. Power transformer dial
F. Brunswick-Shaffer intensity rating scale 

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