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Project study group a narrative inquiry into how individual epistemological beliefs and teaching practices are affected by participation in a study group implementing the project approach

Project study group a narrative inquiry into how individual epistemological beliefs and teaching practices are affected by participation in a study group implementing the project approach
Table of Contents
Table of Contents
List of Tables
List of Figures
I. Introduction: Finding my Way
A. Navigating within Two Historically Grounded Educational Movements
B. My Story: The First Narrative Thread
C. The Weaving of Narratives: Introducing Multiple Threads
D. Two Threads: Study Groups and the Project Approach
E. The Project Approach Thread
F. The Study Group Thread
G. Multiple Narratives, Multiple Threads
H. Finding my Way
II. Literature Review
A. Weaving my Tale
a. From Theory to Praxis
b. The Project Approach: One Form of Curriculum Making and Use
B. Conceptions of Teaching and Learning
C. Weaving the Threads: Curriculum Making and Conceptions of Teaching and Learning
D. Epistemological Beliefs
E. Study Groups: Our Pedagogical, Research Space
F. Summary
III. Methodology: Documenting a Story within an Ongoing Narrative
A. Research Design: Finding a Qualitative Framework within which to Work
B. Narrative Inquiry
C. Researcher Positionality: Establishing my Role
D. Teachers as Co-constructors, Co-researchers
E. Co-researchers
a. Main Participants
b. Additional Participants
F. Data Collection and Recording
G. Researcher Data Collection and Recording
a. Participant-observation
b. Observations
c. Email
d. Reflective Journals
e. Semi-structured Interviews
f. Co-researchers Data Collection and Records
H. Framing and Organizing my Work: Case Study and the Project Approach
I. Analysis Grounded in the Project Approach: A Three Phase Structure
J. Analysis and Organization
K. Limitations
J. Summary
IV. Getting Started and Phase I: Emerging Conceptions of Teaching and Learning
A. Getting Started: Teacher Planning
B. Topic Selection
C. Becoming a Community of Learners
D. Emerging Threads 92
E. Questions, Prior Knowledge and Epistemological Beliefs
F. Prior Knowledge, Emerging Questions and Tension
G. Discussions, Reflection and Docmentation: Negotiated Learning and Current Understandings
a. Discourse and Tacit Knowledge
b. Dialogue
c. Autonomy within the Study Group
H. Phase 1 Summary
V. Phase II: Collaborating to Learn
A. Debriefing and Posing Questions
B. Five Orientations of Practical Knowledge
C. Theoretical Orientation
D. If You Could Teach Any Way You Want, How Would You Teach?
E. Perceptions of Teaching, Image of the Child and Teacher Practices
F. Living in the Tension: Theory to Practice
a. Amanda
b. Kami
G. Image of the Child
a. Lisa
b. Kailey
H. Beyond Theory in Practical Knowledge: Multiple Threads of Orientation
I. Multiple Orientations of Teachers’ Knowledge
J. Emerging Tensions within and between Narratives
K. From Individual to Collective Tensions
L. Further Understanding and Findings: Multiple Responses, Multiple Narratives
VI. Discussions: Sharing Our Story
A, Personal Reflections
B. Documentation, Projects and Self-efficacy
C. Every Experiences is a Moving Force
D. Time
E. The Study Group: Why are We Here?
F. To Share or Not to Share
VII. Implications: Where Do We Go From Here?
A. Making Connections
B. External Experiences Relevant to the Experiential Continuum
C. Rethinking Elbaz’s Model of Personal, Practical Knowledge
D. Implications and Recommendations
a. It’s Time to Listen to the Good, the Bad and the Ugly
b. We Must Move beyond Single Variables of Measurement
c. Stop Doing Lip Service to Inquiry-based Practices
d. Teacher Education
e. Study Group as a Space to Document these Experiences as the Means of Moving Forward
E. Moving Beyond this Situated Study: One Scene within an Ongoing Story
F. Walking the Labyrinth
G. In Conclusion
VII. References
IX: Appendixes
A. Appendix A
B. Appendix B 

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