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Querying the church Christian church leaders' perspectives on homosexuality

Querying the church Christian church leaders' perspectives on homosexuality
Table of Contents
Table of Contents
1 Introduction
1.1 Aim of This Research
1.2 Rationale for This Study
1.3 Religious Attitudes toward Homosexuality
1.4 Key Research Question
1.4.1 Subsidiary Questions
1.5 Research Methods
1.6 Definitions
1.7 Delimitations of the Research
1.8 Chapter Outline
1.9 Conclusion
2 Sexualities
2.1 Introduction
2.2 Connell’s Theory of Sex, Gender, and Sexuality
2.3 Foucault and Katz on the Social Construction of Sexuality
2.4 Butler: Essentialism, Social Constructionism, and Performativity
2.5 Sullivan: Queer Theory and Assimilationist and Liberationist Discourses
2.6 Eribon: Insult, Shame, and Trauma
2.7 Minoritizing and Universalizing Discourses about Sexuality
2.8 Conclusion
3 Christianity and Sexuality
3.1 Introduction
3.2 The Perspective of the Religious Right
3.3 The Perspective of Welcoming and Affirming Churches
3.3.1 One Perspective: Queer Theology
3.4 The Less Radical Welcoming Tradition
3.5 Conclusion
4 Methodology
4.1 Introduction
4.2 A Qualitative Approach
4.2.1 Description of Procedures
4.2.2 Potential Risks
4.2.3 Potential Benefits
4.2.4 Confidentiality
4.2.5 Voluntary Participation
4.2.6 Informed Consent
4.2.7 Interview Questions
4.2.8 Coding Process
4.2.9 Sampling
4.2.10 Sample Size
4.2.11 Demographics
4.2.12 Field Research Sites
4.2.13 Barriers to Access
4.3 Conclusion
5 Results and Analysis
5.1 Introduction
5.2 Attitudes towards Homosexuality
5.2.1 The Religious Right Homosexuality as a Sin, a Disorder, Unnatural Old and New Testament Homosexuality could be Genetic or Environmental
5.2.2 Welcoming and Affirming Approaches to Homosexuality Homosexuals are Equal in God’s Eyes The Bible is Open to Different Interpretations Sodom and Gomorrah is About Inhospitality Rejection of Conversion Therapy Queer Theology Sexuality Exists on a Continuum
5.3 Conclusion
6 Conclusion
6.1 Introduction
6.2 Implications
6.3 Limitations
6.4 Areas Requiring Further Research
6.5 Conclusion
A. Informed Consent Documentation
B. Interview Questions
C. Code List 

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