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Retrospective program evaluation of a domestic violence curriculum

Retrospective program evaluation of a domestic violence curriculum
Table of Contents
Table of Contents
List of Tables
List of Abbreviations
I. Introduction
A. Domestic Violence
a. The Impact of Domestic Violence on Children
b. Safety
B. The Program
C. Program Evaluation
D. Purpose of the Study
E. Statement of the Study
F. Significance of the Study
G. Research Questions
H. Definitions and Operational Terms
I. Summary
J. Organization of the Chapters
II. A Review of the Literature
A. Program Evaluation
a. Formative Evaluation
b. Summative Evaluation
c. Purpose of Evaluation and the Role of Stakeholders
d. Program Evaluation Format
e. Interdisciplinary Comparisons and Models
f. Needs for Evaluation Studies
B. Domestic Violence
a. Impact of Domestic Violence on Children
b. Safety
C. Conclusion
III. Method
A. Variables
B. Sample
C. Instrumentation
D. Procedures
E. Research Questions
F. Hypotheses
G. Statistical Analysis
H. Limitations of the Study
IV. Results
A. Demographics
B. Data Screening
a. Group Sizes
C. Research Question 1
D. Research Question 2
E. Research Question 3
F. Research Question 4
G. Summary
V. Discussion
A. Summary of Results
B. Clinical Significance
C. Implications of the Study
D. Limitations of the Study
E. Future Recommendations
a. Short-Term & Ongoing Recommendations
b. Long-Term & Ongoing Recommendations
F. Brief Report Summary to the Program Staff
G. Conclusion
A. The Accountability Bridge Model for Counselors
B. Framework for Program Evaluation by CDC
C. Steps in evaluation practice and standards for effective evaluation by CDC
D. A decision Matrix for Selecting a Research Design for PE
E. The Program Development/Evaluation Cycle
F. Types of Program Evaluations
G. The NIJ Drug Court Performance Measures and Program Evaluation
H. Aftercare: Ratings
I. Curriculum 1
J. Curriculum 2
K. Questionnaire: Items that reflect the Research Questions of this Study
L. Sample Feedback Questionnaire
M. Sample Questionnaire for DV Program Evaluation
N. Descriptive Statistics 

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