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Risk and protective factors for suicidal behaviors in Mexican youth evidence for the interpersonal theory of suicide

Risk and protective factors for suicidal behaviors in Mexican youth evidence for the interpersonal theory of suicide
Table of Contents
Table of Contents
List of Tables
List of Figures
I. Introduction
A. Interpersonal Theory of Suicide
B. Risk and Protective Factors in Mexican Youth
a. Family and Social Support
b. Coping Mechanisms
a. Coping Competence
c. Depression in Mexican Youth
d. Hopelessness in Mexican Youth
C. Mexican Adolescent Suicide Studies
a. Limitations of Previous Studies
D. The Present Thesis Study
a. Hypotheses
II. Method
A. Participants
B. Measures
C. Procedures
D. Exploratory Data Analysis
III. Results
a. Descriptive Statistics
b. Multiple Regression Analysis of Suicidal Behaviors
c. Moderation Analyses of Interpersonal Needs
d. Logistic Regression Analyses of Suicidal Behaviors
IV. Discussion
a. Interpersonal Theory of Suicide
b. Limitations
c. Clinical Implications
d. Future Directions
A. Demographic Form
D. Handout: Suicide and Depression in Latino Adolescents 

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