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Smartphone spying uncovering hidden dangers

Smartphone spying uncovering hidden dangers
Table of Contents
Table of Contents
List of Figures
List of Abbreviations
I. The Problem
II. The Method
A. Overview
B. Literature Review
C. Analysis
III. The Smartphone
IV. The Theoretical Framework
A. Summary of Theories
a. Processing Fluency Theory
b. Checking Habit Theory
c. Theory of Choice and Defeat
B. Theory Analysis
V. Proposing the Smartphone Surveillance Model, a Three-Pronged Approach
A. Evolution
a. Smartphone Technology
b. Regulations and Privacy Law
c. Choice Mechanisms
d. Trends
B. Habits
a. Addiction
b. Alluring Apps
c. Always-On
d. Checking
e. HCI
f. Hyper-connectivity
g. May Miss Something
h. Rewards
i. Status of Being Important
j. Stimuli
C. Surveillance
a. Tracking
b. Mobility
c. Big Data
d. Apps
e. Behavioral Advertising
f. Possible Solutions
VI. The Discussion
A. Limitations
VII. The Conclusion
A. Institutional Review Board Material and Response
B. Sample of Top Selling Smartphones
C. Other Smartphone Information Links 

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