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Snapshots - a phenomenological look at adult specialists in the field of gifted education

Snapshots - a phenomenological look at adult specialists in the field of gifted education
Table of Contents
Table of Contents
List of Tables
I. Chapter One: Background of the Problem
A. Statement of the Problem
B. Research Questions
C. Definition of Terms
II. Chapter Two: Review of the Literature
A. Historical Findings
a. Roeper
b. Hollingworth
c. Terman and the Termites
d. Characteristics of adult giftedness
e. Life satisfaction in gifted adults
f. The implications of research
B. Methodology Review
a. Narrative
b. Limitations
c. Case study
d. Limitations
e. Transcendental phenomenology
f. Limitations
g. Discussion of approaches
III. Chapter Three: Research Methods
A. Participants
a. George T. Betts
b. James (Jim) R. Delisle
c. Ellen D. Fiedler
d. F. Richard (Rick) Olenchak
e. Phil Perrone
B. Methodological Framework
a. Data collection procedures
b. Participant identification.
c. Triangulation and verification
C. Method
D. Conclusions
IV. Chapter Four: Findings: Phenomenological Snapshots
A. Snapshot of George Betts
a. Development
b. Exposure
c. Focus
d. Depth
e. Clarity
B. Snapshot of Jim Delisle
a. Development
b. Exposure
c. Focus
d. Depth
e. Clarity
C. Snapshot of Ellen Fiedler
a. Development
b. Exposure
c. Depth
d. Focus
e. Clarity
D. Snapshot of Rick Olenchak
a. Development
b. Exposure
c. Focus
d. Depth
e. Clarity
E. Snapshot of Phil Perrone
a. Development
b. Exposure
c. Focus
d. Depth
e. Clarity
V. Chapter Five: Discussion and Results
A. Thematic Analysis
a. Development
b. Exposure
c. Focus
d. Depth
e. Defining Moments
B. Limitations
C. Implications
D. Recommendations
E. Bird’s Eye View

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