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Spectroscopic ellipsometry studies of thin film a-Si:H solar cell fabrication by multichamber deposition in the n-i-p substrate configuration

Spectroscopic ellipsometry studies of thin film a-Si:H solar cell fabrication by multichamber deposition in the n-i-p substrate configuration
Table of Contents
Table of Contents
List of Tables
List of Figures
1 Introduction
1.1 Motivation and Background
1.2 Thesis Organization
2 Ellipsometry and Experimental Apparatus
2.1 Introduction
2.2 Experimental Methods in Thin Film Deposition
2.2.1 Cluster Tool Deposition System
2.2.2 Sputtering Chamber
2.2.3 Plasma Enhanced Chemical Vapor Deposition (PECVD) Chamber
2.3 Theory and Experimental Methods in Spectroscopic Ellipsometry
2.3.1 Theoretical Formalism in Spectroscopic Ellipsometry Propagation of Light in Thin Films Ellipsometry and Reflection
2.3.2 Instrumentation for Spectroscopic Ellipsometry Real Time Spectroscopic Ellipsometry (RTSE) Ex-Situ Mapping Ellipsometry
2.3.3 Data Analysis Strategies in Spectroscopic Ellipsometry Multilayer Analysis of RTSE and Ex-situ Mapping Data Virtual Interface (VI) Analysis
2.3.4 Application of Spectroscopic Ellipsometry in Thin Film Growth Effective Medium Theory Ag Bulk Film Modeling
2.4 Experimental Methods in Solar Cell Characterization
3 Si:H Layer Optimization for Solar Cell Application
3.1 Introduction and Motivation
3.2 Deposition Process and Phase Diagram Development
3.3 i-layer Phase Diagram on 2" x 2" Glass Substrate
3.4 i-layer Phase Diagram on 2" x 2" Glass Substrate
3.5 Spatial Phase Diagram of p-layer on Polymer Substrate
3.6 Summary
4 Si:H Layer Optimization for Solar Cell Application
4.1 Introduction and Motivation
4.2 Deposition Processes of Ag/ZnO and Al/ZnO Back Reflectors
4.3 Comparative Study of Al/ZnO and Ag/ZnO Interfaces
4.4 Scattering Behavior of Ag/ZnO Back-Reflector
4.5 Scattering by Al/ZnO Back-Reflector
4.6 Improvement of the Back-Reflectors
4.7 Summary
5 Roll-to-Roll Deposition of Thin Film a-Si:H Solar Cell Structure on Polymer Substrates
5.1 Introduction and Motivation
5.2 Deposition Processes
5.2.1 ZnO:Al Layer
5.2.2 a-Si:H i- and p-layers
5.3 Experimental Details for Real Time Spectroscopic Ellipsometry
5.4 RTSE of ZnO:Al Evolution on Ag Coated PEN
5.5 RTSE of i-layer Evolution on Ag/ZnO/n-layer Coated PEN
5.6 RTSE of p-layer Evolution on Ag/ZnO/n/i-layer Coated PEN
5.7 Summary
6 Correlation Between a-Si:H Solar Cell Performance and Structural/Optical Properties
6.1 Introduction
6.2 Optical Properties of i-layer and p-layer Materials
6.3 Correlation of the Parameters of Solar Cells Deposited on 2" x 2" Borosilicate Glass Substrates with the i-layer Phase Diagram
6.4 Correlation of the Parameters of Solar Cells Deposited on 2" x 2" Borosilicate Glass Substrates with the p-layer Phase Diagram
6.5 a-Si:H Solar Cell on 6" x 6" Borosilicate Glass Substrate
6.6 a-Si:H Solar Cell on Kapton® Polymer Substrate
6.7 Summary
7 Summary and Future Works
7.1 Summary
7.2 Future Works
A.1 Analytical Expressions
A.2 Parameter Coupling of the Cody-Lorentz Oscillator for High Quality PV Materials 

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