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Stakeholders' partnership synergy and its impact on commercialization of new technologies renewable energy industry study

Stakeholders' partnership synergy and its impact on commercialization of new technologies renewable energy industry study
List of Tables
List of Figures
1 Introduction
1.1. Background and Introduction
1.2. Statement of Problem
1.3. Research Objectives
1.3.1. Research Objectives Expounded
1.3.2. Major Research Contributions
1.4. Organization of the Dissertation
2 Literature Review and Theoretical Framework Development
2.1. Chapter Outline
2.2. Commercialization
2.2.1. New Product Development
2.2.2. Stage-Gate Model
2.2.3. From Fuzzy Front-End to Commercialization
2.2.4. The Theory of Diffusion of Innovation
2.2.5. Time Performance
2.2.6. Financial Performance
2.3. Commercialization of Renewable Energy Technologies
2.4. Resources-Based Perspective of Commercialization
2.4.1. Resource Based View (RBV) of the Firms
2.4.2. Dynamic Capabilities
2.5. Renewable Energy Implementation Mechanisms
2.5.1. Innovative Financial Mechanisms
2.5.2. Innovative incentive mechanisms and regulatory policies
2.6. Stakeholders’ Partnership Synergy
2.6.1. RE Stakeholders
2.6.2. Partnership Theory
2.6.3. Partnership Synergy
2.7. External and Internal Drivers of Renewable Energy Technologies
2.8. Theoretical Framework
2.8.1. Theories Supporting a Proposed Model
2.9. Proposition development
3 Research Methodology and Design
3.1. Methodology remarks
3.2. Research Design
3.2.1. Unit of Analysis
3.2.2. Data Collection
3.2.3. Case Study Protocol
3.2.4. Data Analysis
4 Case Studies and Analysis
4.1. Case # 1. Greensburg Wind Farm
4.2. Case # 2. Amonix Solar Power Generation Station at University of Arizona Science and Technology Park
4.3. Case # 3. SunChiller LLC. Combined Solar HVAC and Pool heating Plant at the University of Arizona Recreation Center
4.4. Case #4. Biogas plant development in Armenia
4.5. Case Analysis
4.5.1. External and Internal Drivers
4.5.2. Stakeholders’ Partnership Synergy
4.5.3. Dynamic Capabilities
4.5.4. Effectiveness of RE Implementation Mechanisms
4.5.5. Commercialization
4.6. Cross-Case Analysis
4.7. Discussions on propositions
5 Conclusion
5.1 Major Research Results
5.2 Theoretical Implications
5.3 Limitations and Future Research Directions
5.4 Conclusion
A. Case Study Protocol 

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