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Study of earth abundant TCO and absorber materials for photovoltaic applications

Study of earth abundant TCO and absorber materials for photovoltaic applications
List of Tables
List of Figures
List of Abbreviations
List of Symbols
1 Introduction
1.1 Photovoltaic Solar Cell
1.2 Historical Overview of Photovoltaics
1.3 Thin Film Solar Cells
1.4 An Overview on Thin Film Photovoltaic Materials Availability
1.5 Characteristics of a Photovoltaic Material
1.6 Cu2ZnSnS4 (Copper Zinc Tin Sulphide)
1.7 Basics of Semiconductors
1.7.1 Semiconductor Band Structure
1.7.2 Doping of Semiconductors
1.7.3 Electrical Properties of Semiconductors
1.7.4 P-N Junction
1.8 Fundamentals of Solar Cells
1.8.1 Equivalent Circuit of a Solar Cell
1.8.2 Electrical Characteristics of a Solar Cell
2 Literature Overview
2.1 Current Status of CZTS Thin Films and Solar Cells
2.1.1 Synthesis of Bulk Cu2ZnSnS4
2.1.2 Growth and Study of Cu2ZnSnS4 Thin Films
2.1.3 Development of CZTS Based Solar Cells
2.2 Current Status of AZO Thin Films
2.3 Objectives of the Present Work
2.4 Organization of the Thesis
3 Experimental
3.1 Introduction
3.2 Spray Pyrolysis
3.2.1 Fundamental Aspects of Spray Pyrolysis
3.2.2 Classification of Spray Pyrolysis Techniques
3.2.3 Modeling of the Technique
3.2.4 Influence of Deposition Parameters on Film Properties Influence of Temperature Influence of Precursor Solution
3.3 Ultrasonic Spray Pyrolysis
3.4 Experimental Setup
3.4.1 Solution Transport
3.4.2 Aerosol Generation
3.4.3 Deposition and Pyrolysis
3.5 Choice of Substrates and Substrate Cleaning
3.6 CZTS Absorber Layer Deposition
3.7 Experiments with CZTS
3.7.1 Variation of Cu, Zn and Sn Concentrations
3.7.2 Post Deposition Annealing
3.7.3 KCN Etching of CZTS films
3.8 Deposition of CdS Buffer Layers
3.9 CZTS/CdS Heterostructure Fabrication Process
3.9.1 CZTS Substrate Cells
3.9.2 CZTS Superstrate Cells
3.10 Growth of AZO Thin Films by RF Sputtering
3.10.1 RF Sputtering
3.10.2 Experimental Details Substrate Cleaning Deposition of Films
3.11 Characterization of the Films
4 Al-doped ZnO Thin Films
4.1 Introduction
4.2 Film Growth Rate
4.2.1 Influence of Working Pressure
4.2.2 Influence of Flow Rate
4.2.3 Influence of RF Power
4.2.4 Influence of Substrate Temperature
4.3 Crystal Structure
4.3.1 Influence of Working Pressure Line Broadening in XRD Measures of Line Broadening Williamson-Hall Analysis Stress Control
4.3.2 Influence of RF Power
4.3.3 Influence of Substrate Temperature
4.4 Surface Morphology
4.4.1 Influence of Working Pressure
4.4.2 Influence of RF Power
4.4.3 Influence of Substrate Temperature
4.5 Optical Properties Burstein-Moss Effect
4.5.1 Influence of Working Pressure
4.5.2 Influence of Flow Rate
4.5.3 Influence of RF Power
4.5.4 Influence of Substrate Temperature
4.6 Electrical Properties
4.6.1 Influence of Working Pressure
4.6.2 Influence of Flow Rate
4.6.3 Influence of RF Power
4.6.4 Influence of Substrate Temperature
4.7 Conclusions
4.8 Future Work
5 Studies on CZTS Absorber Layers
5.1 Introduction
5.2 As-deposited and Annealed CZTS Films
5.3 CZTS Film Characteristics
5.3.1 Crystal Structure X-Ray Diffraction Raman Spectroscopy
5.3.2 Surface Morphology
5.3.3 Optical Properties
5.3.4 Electrical Properties
5.4 Effects of KCN Etching
5.5 Fabrication of CZTS Cells
5.6 Conclusions
5.7 Future Work

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