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Supply chain inventory management with multiple types of customers motivated by Chinese pharmaceutical supply chains among others

Supply chain inventory management with multiple types of customers motivated by Chinese pharmaceutical supply chains among others
Table of Contents
Table of Contents
List of Tables
List of Figures
1 Introduction
1.1 Problem Statement
1.2 Research Objectives
2 Literature Review
2.1 Single Period Inventory Management with Multiple Customers
2.2 Multiple Period Inventory Management with Multiple Customers
3 Chinese Pharmaceutical Supply Chains
3.1 Pharmaceutical Supply Chain (PSC)
3.2 Chinese Pharmaceutical Supply Chain
3.3 Current Issues in the Chinese PSC as Compared with PSC in USA
3.4 Case Study about Chinese Pharmaceutical Supply Chain
3.5 Chinese Pharmaceutical Supply Chain Questionnaire
4 Single Period Newsvendor Model And Chinese Pharmaceutical Supply Chain
4.1 Introduction
4.2 Motivation
4.3 Definition of Terms and Notations
4.4 Main Theoretical Result
4.5 Heuristics
4.6 Computational Results
4.6.1 Instances of Şen and Zhang (1999)
4.6.2 Simulation Experiments
4.7 Conclusions
5 Multi-Period Model For Products With Continuous Demands
5.1 Introduction
5.2 Compound Poisson Distribution
5.3 Development and Estimation of Shortage Cost
5.4 Continuous Inventory Model with Dual Compound Poisson
5.5 Calculus-Based Heuristic Development
5.6 Numerical Example
5.7 Extension with Dynamic Pricing Mechanism
5.7.1 Problem Definition
5.7.2 Price and Demand Relationship
5.7.3 Mechanism of Critical Level Dynamic Pricing
5.7.4 Implementation and Results
5.8 Conclusions
6 Conclusion and Future Research
A. Questionnaire of Chinese Pharmaceutical Supply Chain Practices (English Edition)
B. Questionnaire of Chinese Pharmaceutical Supply Chain Practices (Chinese Edition)

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