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The connection between post-traumatic stress disorder and suicide behavior what links post-traumatic stress disorder to suicide?

The connection between post-traumatic stress disorder and suicide behavior what links post-traumatic stress disorder to suicide?
Table of Contents
Table of Contents
List of Tables
List of Figures
I. Introduction
A. The Prevalence of Suicide
B. The Process of Suicide
C. Predicting Suicide Behavior among College Students
D. PTSD as a Risk Factor for Suicide Behavior
E. The Predictive Relationship between PTSD and Suicide Behavior
F. The Role of Suicide Theory
a. Intrusive Symptoms
b. Avoidance Symptoms
c. Hyperarousal Symptoms
d. Exposure to Traumatic Events
e. Anxiety Sensitivity-Cognitive Dyscontrol
G. The Issue of Comorbidity
H. Current Research
II. Method
A. Participants
B. Materials
a. Anxiety Sensitivity Index-Revised-36
b. Life Events Checklist
c. PTSD Checklist-Civilian Version
d. Impact of Event Scale-Revised
e. Beck Depression Inventory-II
f. Drug Abuse Screening Test
g. Michigan Alcohol Screening Test
h. Suicide Behavior Questionnaire-Revised
i. Demographics Measure
C. Procedure
III. Results
A. Prevalence of PTSD and Trauma among the Total Sample
B. Prevalence of PTSD and Depressive Symptomatology among the Total Sample
C. Prevalence of Suicide Behavior among the Total Sample
D. Prevalence of Suicide Behavior among the Subsample of College Students Who Met Diagnostic Criteria for PTSD
E. Descriptives and Correlations
F. Differences between Participants in the Subsample Who Have Made
a Suicide Attempt and Participants Who Have Not Made a Suicide Attempt
G. Regression Analysis Examining Intrusive, Avoidance, Hyperarousal Symptoms of PTSD as a Predictors of Suicide Behavior
H. Moderation Analyses
a. The Influence of Exposure to Traumatic Events on the Relationship between PTSD and Suicide Behavior
b. The Influence of Anxiety Sensitivity on the Relationship between PTSD and Suicide Behavior
c. The Influence of Depression on the Relationship between
PTSD and Suicide Behavior
IV. Discussion
A. Conclusions
B. Limitations and Future Research
C. Implications

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