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The Effects of an OpenNI / Kinect-Based Biofeedback Intervention on Kinematics at the Knee During Drop Vertical Jump Landings Implications for Reducing Neuromuscular Predisposition to Non-Contact ACL Injury Risk in the Young Female Athlete

The Effects of an OpenNI / Kinect-Based Biofeedback Intervention on Kinematics at the Knee During Drop Vertical Jump Landings Implications for Reducing Neuromuscular Predisposition to Non-Contact ACL Injury Risk in the Young Female Athlete
Table of Contents
Table of Contents
List of Tables
List of Figures
List of Abbreviations
1 Introduction
1.1 Epidemiology of ACL Injury
1.2 Structure and Function of the ACL
1.3 Mechanisms of Non-Contact ACL Injury
1.4 Statement of the Problem
1.5 Statement of the Purpose
1.6 Research Hypotheses
1.7 Variables
2 Literature Review
2.1 Introduction
2.2 Anatomical Predisposition
2.3 Hormonal Contributions
2.4 Muscular Strength and Muscular Recruitment
2.5 Proprioceptive Modulation and Neuromuscular Influences
2.6 Kinematics and Associated Dynamic Valgus
2.7 OpenNI and Kinect-Based Skeletal Tracking for Biofeedback
2.8 Summary of the Literature Reviewed
2.9 Clinical Relevance
3 Methodology
3.1 Overview of Study Design
3.2 Subjects
3.3 Procedures
3.3.1 Real-Time Screening and Biofeedback System Design
3.3.2 Biofeedback Intervention Procedures
3.3.3 Lab Based Motion Capture Instrumentation and Procedures
3.4 Data Processing
3.5 Statistical Analysis
3.6 Internal Validity
4 Results
4.1 Demographics and Baseline Data
4.2 Validity and Reliability
4.2.1 Validity
4.2.2 Reliability
4.3 Intervention Training: Kinematics
4.3.1 Baseline Kinematics
4.3.2 Knee Flexion: Group x Time Comparisons
4.3.3 Knee Separation Distance: Group x Time Comparisons
4.4 Intervention Training: Kinetics
4.4.1 Peak Vertical Ground Reaction Force (vGRF)
4.4.2 Peak Bilateral Frontal Plane Valgus Knee Moment
4.5 Risk Quantification Stratification Algorithm
4.5.1 Pre and Post RQS: All Risk Levels
4.5.2 RQS and Knee Flexion: High Risk Subjects
4.5.3 RQS and Knee Separation Distance: High Risk Subjects
5 Discussion
5.1 Overview
5.2 Validity and Reliability
5.3 Intervention Training: Kinematics
5.4 Intervention Training: Kinetics
5.5 Risk Stratification Algorithm
5.6 Limitations
5.7 Directions for Future Study
5.8 Conclusion
Appendix A: Processing Code
Appendix B: Subject Injury History / Activity Questionnaire
Appendix C: Additional Statistical Tables
Appendix D: IRB Documentation 

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