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The evaluation of the hindered settling behavior of the never dried calcium carbonate suspension

The evaluation of the hindered settling behavior of the never dried calcium carbonate suspension
Table of Contents
List of Tables
List of Figures
Chapter 1 Introduction
Chapter 2 Calcium Carbonate Suspension
2.1 Origin of calcium carbonate:
2.2 Properties of Calcium carbonate
2.2.1 Physical and Chemical Properties
2.2.2 Structure of Calcium carbonate
2.2.3 Biomedical effects
2.2.4 Uses
Chapter 3 Hindered Settling and Compartment Theory
3.1 Introduction
3.2 Stokes Law
3.2.1 Steinour’s equation.
3.2.2 Richardson and Zaki’s equation
3.2.3 Dollimore-Mcbride’s equation
3.3 Packing Factor and Flow Units
3.4 Kozeny – Carman Permeability Approach
3.5 Determination of Particle size
3.5.1 Steinour’s method
3.5.2 Limiting Stokes Velocity
3.5.3 Richardson and Zaki Method
3.5.4 Dollimore and Mcbride’s Method
3.6 Final Settled Volume
Chapter 4 Flocculation and Particle Interactions
4.1 Overview
4.2 Wetting of the Suspension
4.3 Flocculation of Suspension and Double layer
4.4 Zeta Potential and the DLVO Theory
4.5 Surface Active Agents
4.5.1 Properties and Behavior of Surfactants
4.5.2 Types of Surfactants and Flocculation Properties
4.5.3 Electrolytes
4.5.4 Adsorption of strongly charged particles
4.5.5 Adsorption of Polar group
Chapter 5 Instrumentation
5.1 Laser Diffraction Analysis
5.1.1 Principle of Laser Diffraction
5.1.2 Instrumentation
5.1.3 Sample Preparation
5.1.4 Applications
5.2 Nicomp ZLS 380
5.2.1 Principle of Electrophoretic Light Scattering [48, 49]
5.2.2 Instrumentation
5.2.3 Sample Preparation
5.2.4 Applications
5.3 X-Ray Diffraction
5.3.1 Theory
5.3.2 Powder X-ray Diffraction
5.3.3 Instrumentation
5.3.4 Sample Preparation
5.3.5 Applications
5.4 Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM)
5.4.1 Instrumentation
5.4.2 Sample Preparation
5.4.3 Applications
5.5 Thermogravimetric Analysis (TGA)
5.5.1 Principle of Thermogravimetric Analysis
5.5.2 Instrumentation
5.5.3 Sample Preparation
5.5.4 Applications
5.6 Differential Scanning Calorimetry (DSC)
5.6.1 Principle of DSC
5.6.2 Instrumentation
5.6.3 Sample Preparation
5.6.4 Applications
Chapter 6 Material and Methods
6.1 Chemical Constituents
6.1.1 Sodium Bicarbonate Physical properties Chemical properties Uses
6.1.2 Calcium Chloride dihydrate Physical properties Chemical properties Uses
6.1.3 Poloxamer 407 Physical properties Chemical properties Uses
6.1.4 De-Ionized water (DI) water
6.2 Equipments used
6.3 Methods
6.3.1 Preparation of polymer solutions
6.3.2 Determination of density
6.3.3 Determination of viscosity
6.3.4 Hindered settling experiments
6.3.5 Flocculation of suspensions
6.3.6 Determination of percentage yield
6.3.7 Scanning electron microscopy (SEM)
6.3.8 Laser Diffraction (LD)
6.3.9 Zeta potential measurement
6.3.10 Differential Scanning Calorimetry (DSC)
6.3.11 X-ray Powder Diffraction (PXRD)
6.3.12 Thermogravimetry (TG)
Chapter 7 Results and Discussion
7.1 Rate of Hindered Settling
7.1.1 Physical Property calculation
7.1.2 Hindered Settling
7.1.3 Particle size determination Steinour’s equation: The equation is given as Richardson & Zaki equation Dollimore & McBride equation
7.1.4 Determination of Permeability
7.2 Percentage Yield Calculation
7.3 Scanning Electron Microscopy
7.4 Laser Diffraction (LD) Results
7.5 Thermal Analysis
7.5.1 Differential Scanning Calorimetry (DSC) Results
7.5.2 Thermogravimetry (TG) Results
7.5 Average Zeta Potential Results
7.7 X-ray Powder Diffraction (PXRD) Results
Chapter 8 Conclusions and Future Work
8.1 Conclusions
8.2 Future studies

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