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The impact of computer-based assignments on student motivation to complete homework assignments for sixth-grade students

The impact of computer-based assignments on student motivation to complete homework assignments for sixth-grade students
Table of Contents
Table of Contents
List of Tables
List of Abbreviations
I. Introduction
A. Obstacles for Learning
B. Researcher’s Perspective
C. Statement of the Problem
D. Significance of Study
E. Definition of Terms
II. Literature Review
A. Introduction
B. Homework
C. Attitudes towards Homework
D. Homework and Achievement
E. Technology
a. The Digital Divide in Schools
b. Teacher Attitudes and Behaviors Regarding Technology
c. Digital Natives’ Educational Needs and Benefits
d. Technology Integration in the classroom
F. Motivation Theory
G. Connections between Computer-Based Homework Assignments and Motivation
III. Methodology
A. Research Design
a. Introduction
b. Research Question
B. Sample and Population
a. Population
b. Sample
C. Inquiry Design
D. Interviewing
E. Transcribing
F. Analysis
G. Validity
a. Bias
b. Truth-Value
H. Limitations
IV. Findings
A. Introduction
B. Student Demographic Overview
C. Primary Themes and Sub-Themes
a. First Primary Theme: Organization
1. Improved Time Management
2. Increased Organization
3. Increased Ease
b. Second Primary Theme: Learning as Fun
1. Appreciation of Increased Accessibility to Information
2. Appreciation of Deeper/Better Understanding of Content and Assignments
3. Appreciation of Freedom to Explore for More Information
4. Pure Enjoyment
c. Third Primary Theme: Voice
1. Confidence in Sharing During Discussions
2. Frequency in Discussions
d. Fourth Primary Theme: Person-to-Person Connections
1. Increased Collaboration
2. Enhanced Relationship with Teacher
3. Increased Assistance from Teacher
4. Enhanced Current Student Relationships
5. Increased Number of New Friendships
D. Summary
V. Discussion and Conclusion
A. Introduction
B. Summary of the Literature and Purpose
C. Findings and Interpretations
a. First Primary Theme: Organization
1. Improved Time Management
2. Increased Organization
3. Increased Ease
b. Second Primary Theme: Learning as Fun
1. Appreciation of Increased Accessibility to Information
2. Appreciation of Deeper/Better Understanding of Content and Assignments
3. Appreciation of Freedom to Explore More Information
4. Pure Enjoyment
c. Third Primary Theme: Voice
1. Confidence in Sharing During Discussions
2 Frequency in Discussions
d. Fourth Primary Theme: Person-to-Person Connections
1. Increased Collaboration
2. Enhanced Relationship with the Teacher
3. Increased Assistance from the Teacher
4. Enhanced Current Relationships
5. Increased Number of New Relationships
D. Recommendations
E. Suggestions for Research
F. Conclusion
A. IRB Approval Form
B. Student Perception on Computer-based Homework Assignments Study Interview Protocol Instructions
C. Consent Form Instructions
D. Interview Questions
E. Interview Protocol
F. Child Research Subject Assent Form
G. Adult Research Subject Informed Consent and Parental Permission Form
H. Investigator Responsibilities in Research Involving Human Subjects 

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