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The impact of institutional support services, policies, and programs on the completion and graduation of African American students enrolled at select two-year colleges in Ohio

The impact of institutional support services, policies, and programs on the completion and graduation of African American students enrolled at select two-year colleges in Ohio
Table of Contents
Table of Contents
List of Tables
List of Figures
I. Introduction
A. Problem Statement and Significance of the Problem
B. Purpose
C. Theoretical Framework
D. Research Questions
E. Methodological Approach
F. Significance of the Study
G. Limitations, Delimitations, and Definitions of Terms
a. Limitations
b. Delimitations
c. Definitions of Terms
II. Literature Review
A. Psychological Adjustment and Socialization of African American Students
B. Student Success and Retention among African American Students Attending Two-Year and Four-Year Colleges
C. Targeted Programs, Services, and Policies Designed to Support African American Students and Promote a Multicultural Environment
D. The History and Role of African American Culture Centers
III. Research Methodology
A. Research Design
B. Participants
C. Survey Instrument
D. Institutional Data Collection
E. Validity and Reliability
F. Data Analysis
G. Limitations
H. Conclusion
IV. Findings
A. Population and Sample
B. Descriptive Analysis
a. Institutional Characteristic, Student Enrollment, and Intervention Variable Groups
b. Institutional Characteristics
c. Student Demographic and Aggregate Enrollment Variables
d. Outcome Variable
e. Analysis of Institutional Characteristic and Student Enrollment Variables from IPEDS
f. Analysis of CSAO Impact Ratings from the Survey
C. Research Question 1
D. Research Question 2
E. Research Question 3
F. Summary of Findings
G. Conclusion
V. Discussion, Recommendations, and Conclusions
A. Overview of the Study
B. Discussion of the Findings
a. Institutional Characteristics and Student Enrollment Variables from IPEDS
b. Institutional Intervention Variables from the Survey
C. Implications for Policy and Practice
D. Implications for Theory
E. Limitations of the Study
F. Recommendations for Further Research
G. Conclusions
A. Survey Instrument

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